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organic ketchup

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Posts posted by organic ketchup

  1. How did this dude make it in the industry? Do you think he's a talented actor?

    And how has he dated all these hot chicks plus get named to People Mag's Hottest Bachelor 2007 list?

    He hangs out with Leo and Tobey, too. I don't fucking get this guy.

    The fuck???


  2. I'm going to be a groomsmen in a wedding and these motherfuckers done picked out tuxedos with hot pink vests. I know it's their wedding and I should be honored and not self-centered at this moment in time, but this is some ol' bullshit. :mad:

    There's gonna be hot chicks there and I'm gonna look like a fucking Mexican kid at his prom circa 1998.

    I hope it rains so I can wear a poncho.

  3. I was dumping some banana peels in my compost heap and I heard some howling & wimpering next door. So I peek through the fence and see this dude fuckin a Great Dane... ummm.... doggystyle :(. I went back inside and grabbed my camera and took a picture of that shit. But it's not a digital camera, so now I gotta figure out if I can send my film to one of them private developers that allows nasty pics. Y'all ever seen some shit like that?

  4. I hate when you get home after a long day and you look in the mirror and there is a long ass nose hair sticking out your nose. One of those nose hairs that like curls up over your nostril and shit.

    I hate stepping in dog shit and not realizing it til later when you're chillin' at home watching tv and something starts to smell like dog shit.

  5. I plan on saving up for the Dark Room Retreat someday.


    Zero photons hitting the body after three days brings the body's seratonin/melatonin cycle to a halt--and instead the brain produces pinoline. This has MAOI effect (same as Ayahuasca), and after a few more days, the brain spews DMT, and vision literally turns into what Neo had after going blind in the third Matrix, if you've seen it.

  6. You're better off finding a roommate. 1000 is cuttin it close, even for the Tenderloin. Anything above Geary St. is okay though IMO, and you might be able to find a studio in Lower Nob Hill in your price range (1300 would be ideal). But you could live in a nicer facility/area and save a few hundred bucks by finding a roommate on Craigslist. It's good for roommates but not so much for outright renting an apartment because the prices are jacked up and the places are fugazi (no kitchen, shared bathroom, 1-year lease, etc). Plus you might need a co-signer if you don't have a job or don't make enough money.

    Other sites that might help you: http://www.metrorent.com


  7. I hate when you're driving and there is some car in front of you that pulls into the same place you're trying to go and you start to feel paranoid because you think that they think you are following them. And so you just drive past the destination. :(

  8. Hi. I'm a vegan who eats mostly raw foods. Like tonight for supper I had a whole watermelon and I ate the rind too because there's lots of vitamins there plus the fiber slows down the sugar absorption.

    Anyway.... I know vegans tend to get called fags and whatnot, but I actually think meat is cool, I just don't feel good if I eat it. One time I ate a salmon steak after not eating any meat or dairy for 5 years and I didn't take a shit for 2 days (I usually take 4 per day). I think that the meat clogs me up pretty good.

    What I like to eat are fruits, leafy greens, some veggies, and nuts and seeds. I feel very vibrant everyday and my shits always come out piney. The colon is very key to good health. This is what is best for me so don't call me a fag or think I want to convert you. :)

    Now, any others?

  9. This motherfuckin' retard challenged me to a fight today. I was at Arby's ordering some food and this guy is there with no adult supervision and shit just posted up in FRONT of the register. I'm ready to order and the mexican lady working is too afraid to tell him to move so I can order. I tried to ask him in simplest terms to move but he ain't understand.... dude was just breathing heavily and fogging up his specs. So I nudge his shoulder a little to get him to move and then the fucker started moaning like chewbacca. He starts mumbling, "IMMA FIGHT U, IMMA FIGHT U" and I'm all trying to get my order in. So I order and then go sit down facing the street so I don't have to see this fucker, and all the while he is still talking shit behind me and sounding like he's crying. They call my order and I went up and just as I reached for my tray this guy grabs my wrist with a fucking retard vice grip! Dude took my blood pressure in one squeeze. I was like holy shit, this motherfucker got retarded power!!! I was hella scared I just looked at him in horror and money was staring out the corner of his eyes (WTF). To ease the tension, I said "Curly Fries" in a really softspoken manner and that settled dudes nerves enough to release his grip. I took the fuckin tray out to my car and ate there.

    Have they ever pulled this shit on you before?!!

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