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Posts posted by emerk

  1. this isn't about me you can think im dating the uglyest girl in the world and dress like brad pitt i dont really care

    i posted a picture and ragged on it

    and said how you put was to much effort into this shit

    all the picture did was prove a obvious point on how you dress

    infact shit talk, just tone it down a notch, its all you do...seems fun

    you just complicate the simplest things

    pseudo intellectual

    bet your gonna have fun typing up some more bullshit

    infact try not replying i bet you cant even do that

  2. man this isn't a competition,

    jmatsu this is the internet, i can imagine the problems you have with........ reality

    yes post a picture of my girlfriend to prove a point you to "chickenfucker"

    thats what real men do huh

    all i did was say some shit about you (the truth)

    and you mumble on and on( you may be somewhat intelligent) but it basically comes of as mumble mumble mumble

    like i said all i did was say you don't dress well which you do on the daily and talk about how annoying it is seeing you shit talk all the time

    nuthing wrong with critiquing, ive stated this many times

  3. A)i never said anything about you not dressing we'll enough to rag on people just that some of your fits blended with the shit your hated on

    B)moron... step to you.... what are you some kinda of idol??

    C)you'd be lucky to ever have a girl like my girlfriend look at you.

    (mind you I have no idea if your funny looking or not)

    but still take my chances with that silver jacket of yours

  4. ^you know that you've read what i've written (u can't help it!), yet all you've done is picked one of my not so recent and most unflattering of fits. sure this one isn't that great, but compared to most that i've hated on it's fucking gold. how does it infact "look like the shit he mutters about (i talk about)???" not that it should even matter. so yeah, play dumb, ignore my last comment. you're obviously worthless. if you must use the idiotic logic of "oh i don't like this guy's fit, so he is not allowed to critique!," than at least support it. let's see your shit then.

    hahaha ya you got me, after i posted that comment my eyes wandered above.

    I wouldn't search for your most unflattering fit, I just commented on it before so it was easily accessible

    "so yeah, play dumb, ignore my last comment. you're obviously worthless. if you must use the idiotic logic of "oh i don't like this guy's fit, so he is not allowed to critique!," than at least support it. let's see your shit "

    woah man calm down this isn't a battle between us

    your right most of your shit probably is better then the stuff you hate on

    most of the time, plus this site needs people critiquing so i'm not saying your not aloud to, infact anybody should be able to voice there opinion

    its just that your just so annoying all you ever do is run your mouth and you can just tell you put so much into coming up with clever things to say back

    don't you ever get tired of it...

  5. i'm not even gonna bother to read what he wrote above

    nor do i care to "post some fits" this isn't about me


    who's gonna stand up and say that looks good

    its looks like the shit he mutters about all the time

    you either dress well or you don't (he doesn't, atleast from what i've seen)

    people like lowry or the temple of fools above me dress well

    be truthful to the temple and admit he doesn't dress well, you obviously must think this

  6. this thread sucks so much dick lately. i mean midnight donated a $300+ pair of jeans to this thing, and aho did you all right with a ton of daily pictures, and look at it now. here are some pictures off of my hard drive shit there isn't shit else going on with the thread.

    this is a cheeseburger, i think i saved this to make my girlfriend's latest desktop image (her hamster riding a brontosaurus on a land covered with cheeseburger)


    always weezy concept's dog:


    some throw i did for my ex-roommate who joined the navy and asked me to draw her a picture or something to that effect


    unsuccessfully trying to learn macro mode on my newish camera


    me switch kickflip manual like 12 years ago


    nollie varial flip failure and a sweet kiss from my dog :-)


    your regular not goofy...

    anyone who skateboards will notice this

    no point in denying

  7. for the most part everybody was joking around

    and ya for him to say he doesn't care what she does and then to say a pointless comment like that

    its stupid not needed and rude


    props to the kids reference

  8. idc about the fact that she fucked two guys

    she's not good looking though

    you guys need to get over ur yellow fever

    were not talking about clothes here......a real person.

    don't say that shit, even if you believe it to be true.

  9. when people say ann or rick as opposed to ann deemuelmeester (whatever) and rick owens i often want to puke and shit at the same time.

    I like how you comment on how people say ann instead of ann Demeulemeester yet you don't spell it right. Which is probably the reason why most people just say ann

    we are talking about clothes, who the fuck cares

    I see i was beat to it^

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