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Posts posted by beardcom

  1. resin coated raw Gap Morrisons after over a year. this is right before wash #3. they finished drying after it got dark so post wash pics hopefully tomorrow. they ended up way, way more contrasty than these pics show, psyched. you can spot patches on both heels, the crotch, back pocket, and now the second from top button hole has ripped out and ive gotta get it repaired. luckily i can still wear them without it looking too bad.





  2. shot my friends wedding yesterday. here's some faves...








    ring bearing dog!


    shooting the wedding was way funner than i thought it'd be. i could see doing it again. more pics on my flickr, link in my sig and i have a ton more to process.

  3. Im looking into getting a new, or rather a real, guitar, looking at rick. paul and gibbos - any opinions?? Just want to waffle about guitars really...

    rics are amazing and beautiful but i can't hang with the super skinny neck. i would never in a million years buy a gibson les paul nowadays... anything vintage is WAY overpriced and the quality isn't there in the new ones. you're much better off looking for a japanese copy from the 70s... ibanez, tokai, etc etc. much better value.

  4. Gap Morrisons, raw resin-coated, 32x34. worn about a year now, washed once... they are currently hanging out outside drying from their second wash, post wash pics coming soon.



    no idea where this orange stain came from, but i like it. adds character.


    both heels are patched- liquid stitch and denim from a pair of the raw straight fit gaps from last year, which were too baggy and are now shorts.


    dig the vertical fading


    they look nuts after the wash... pics coming when they're dry.

  5. for cheap musical gear, CL CL CL CL CL. for sure. there are a lot of things there that go under the radar... though i suppose it helps to know what you're looking for. for instance, this amp and guitar cost me a grand total of 220 bucks... 120 for the guitar. both are great pieces of vintage equipment. sg is a no-name. this setup absolutely fucking murders any 'starter pack' you could get.


  6. Should I get this for $500 or the black version ($300 on Craigslist)??

    I am of the opinion that the pro jr. is much cooler. better sounding, more compact... still loud as balls though, and sound really good driving a cab. loud enough to hang in the mix of a full band. no verb but its not that great on the blues jr. anyways, buy a pedal instead.

  7. IMG_1728.jpg

    bought this on a total impulse a few days ago. went in to buy a drum tuning key, walked out with this, kustom 150 watt 2x12 with trem, vibrato, and reverb in sparkley blue tuck and roll! booya. so classy.

  8. while the definitive image of jimi is with the original marshall JMP and other pre-70's marshalls (jtm's, etc) and his strat, i believe jimi really could play through anything, but his strat was a must. there are a number of recorded performances, such as when he played the gibson les paul (at the time, the SG was not in production, but it had an SG body and 3 humbuckers, what we would know known as a Gibson SG LP or some version of that name) on a TV program live - it didn't have distinctly fat jimi tone that he achieved from the strat.

    the thing that really gets me about the hendrix copiers is that hendirx used the gear he did because it did the weirdest shit available... he was totally pushing the envelope and used basically every effect that existed at the time, so it is funny to me that people spend $300 on a fuzz face clone to sound just like him. if he was still alive, he'd have a pedalboard a mile long, on some crazy fucking next level shit no one else has even thought of.

  9. pretty sure V30s are rated 60 watts, which is perfect. you don't wanna fuck around with throwing low wattage speakers in a twin. it WILL blow them. what is wrong with the speakers in it right now?

    i hate 'tone.' like there is some fucking specific HOLY GRAIL of sound that can come from a guitar. that shit is all relative, qualitative not quantitative and all that. be original. don't sound like jimmy page. or jimi hendrix. or anybody else named jimmy. the honest truth is that guitars sound like guitars no matter what. 100 dollar overdrive pedal vs 400 dollar overdrive pedal, its basically the exact same shit. now im not saying there is anything wrong with cultivating the way you wanna sound, i certainly do, but use your own ears to do it. don't be a clone.

  10. ^is that a real L6? headstock looks different from the angle of your picture.

    great stuff though. your setup has been one of my favorites since you showed it back in the day.

    i need to start playing guitar again. i've neglected it and i have to get it fixed... so lazy these days.

    its a gibson. the headstock broke off and was replaced before i got it. i have the original broken off one somewhere. i wish it had the original, i like the way the black headstock looks, but whatever. the new one is this weird curly maple, it looks kinda cool. no big deal, i prefer my gear to not have obnoxious logos anyway.

  11. What's the story behind the tele? It looks vaguely familiar but I could be mistaken...

    edit- Floral Tele, as I'd thought.. I like that, how much did you spend?.

    yeah, the guy from hella used to play one, which is the first time i saw one. i paid um... i think it was $120? somewhere around there. it needed some work but its about setup and pretty nice. i actually put another neck on it that i had laying around, big improvement, but the stock one was alright i guess... not my favorite neck shape. i'll probably need to do something with the electonics, and i am considering putting a black esquire (no neck pickup) pickguard on it.

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