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Dusty Digital

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Posts posted by Dusty Digital

  1. I'm looking to get a new pair of jeans. In the past I've owned Samurai 007's, some PBJ's, APC New Standards,  LVC47's, and Naked & Famous Weird Guys.


    A few years ago I picked up a pair of Mexican-made Levi's 501 STF's at a strip mall, got them tapered at a tailor, and they've been my go-to jean ever since. All good things come to an end, however, and now I need a new pair of jeans. I'm looking for something similar (or identical) to my 501 STF's, but with better denim, meaning a relatively roomy top block with medium/high rise, some space in the thighs and a taper. 


    So far the the I'm leaning toward the LVC 1954 501's or Orslow 107's but I'd love to hear some other suggestions as well. I was a 34/34 in the STF's. For example, is there a japanese brand that makes a version of the 1954 501?

  2. agree completely wurm. getting some interesting ideas from Rand of late, not sure if I agree completely but there is definitely something pretty on point in her philosophy....

    Rand certainly had some interesting ideas. However, if you haven't already, I suggest you look also into her own life (just Wikipedia is a good start). Ultimately I think she is a good example of the failings of her own philosophy, including her self-aggrandizing belief in "rational man".

    Neither can I agree with being "comfortable" being a big problem in life. I find humans' tendency never to be satisfied with what they have to be a far bigger problem in terms of both their own well being and the well being of those around them (as well as their environment). Personally I relate more to the Buddhist principle "desire is suffering"

  3. I threw a rock and I ran.

    - Pharoahe Monch

    Shattered your vision like a glock blasting at your children

    - Non Phixion

    Even when I say nothing its a beautiful use of negative space


    and lately:

    Like that was so heartfelt, you really touched yourself

    I loved the part where you cried, I liked nothing else

    - El-P

  4. Interesting topic. I might comment on one aspect that has annoyed me for some time:

    Our fixation with "deathbed regrets"

    It seems funny that we think our life should be lived in the way that we would want to live it just when we are dying.

    Yes, our perspective may well change when death nears, but that doesn't mean that deathbed wisdom is actually any more "wise" or worth pursuing than, say, saturday morning wisdom.

    It may be that at the moment of dying one regrets not spending enough time with their children, but for decades that same person made the choice of working instead. Had he chosen to work less he would have acted against his preferences at the time. He may have been happy on his deathbed but miserable for the 30 years prior.

    Actually, the last person who should give advice on how to live is someone who is dying. The things you are likely to pay attention to on your deathbed are not the things you generally pay attention to in day to day life. When you are dying you become acutely aware of what you leave behind - your children, your legacy. That does not mean that being constantly acutely aware of those things would lead you to somehow "live better".

    Yes, I'm trolling a bit, but still.

  5. I was browsing google's newly hosted images from Life and ran into a few fotos I though might be appreciated here:


    "Teenage boys sporting their latest shoe fad of wearing G.I. shoes (Army surplus they bought or inherited) which they call "My old lady's Army Shoes" & wear every Tuesday at school."

    Des Moines 1948


    "A little boy receiving a pair of new boots and clothing from Swiss relief workers."

    Poland 1947

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