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Posts posted by patrickBOOTH

  1. They're a bit slow on the draw... the various Men's clothing forums (SF, AAAC) have been advocating this for years now. The only thing you probably shouldn't wear brown shoes with are black pants.

    I don't know. The only thing I think brown shoes look good with are navy suits. I don't own any navy suits, only black and greys, therefore I stay away from brown shoes as cool as they do look when aged.

  2. I find it cool that so many females on here accept stacking. A lot of my female friends have a strange aversion to it for some reason and get all their jeans hemmed and tapered around their ankles. If you ask me it just makes their dark denim look like American Apparel tights...

  3. I thought I would post this because there is not a lot of information on the Earnest Sewn Kyyre XX's. I posted pictures about 6 months ago on Style Forum. Here I will post those old pictures plus the pictures I just took, which is 8 months, one dry cleaning worn on average of 4 days a week. I know a lot of people say that Sewn's fade fast, but I haven't experienced that at all. I know I was like one of the first people to get the Kyyre totally dry. It is Japanese denim, perhaps they have changed something to make them last a bit...

    Old Pictures:





    New Pictures:







  4. Zippers break and they also tend to inch their way down throughout the day which is irritating. They also make it look like you have a boner when you sit down way more than buttons. Also after you finally wash the denim shrinks, but the zipper dosen't so it kind of scrunches weird. Oh yeah, buttons are less bothersome when going comadno as well!:P

  5. Yeah, I have never had any issues with the honeycombs coming out. If you have dry denim, wear them hard and don't wash them hanging them makes no difference. I am opposed to laying them down because I am always afraid of getting creases I don't want. And it is true about the creasing forming right where they did even if they pull out a bit, it is just the way your body is shaped and moves. They only way you should get nervous is if you dramatically change shape everytime you take off your pants. I think if you did make new creases every time you put on your pants it would make for extreme fading! Very interesting, forsooth!

  6. Ok, I finally got some pictures. I was thinking about doing a taper at the bottom, but after talking to my friends and such I have just said fuck it. They are Diors, I will let them be. I think I am just not used to so much extra fabric at my ankles. I have some chelsea boots in the mail from England, they should make the stacking look pretty cool I think. These are raw black 19cm Japanese. Size 32 worn for about 1.5 months.




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