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Posts posted by kow

  1. I am dating a Filipina. It is part of my plan to dillute the bloodline!

    My Grandmother, who is pure-blood Polish, once made a suggestion to "date my own kind". It was sort of an eye-opener, though I know it's not something unique to white families, by any stretch.

  2. Just wanted to jump in: America didn't "single-handedly" prevent Nazi anything. Ask the Russians how they feel about that statement. They lost more people in WW2 than we sent to fight in it, if I recall correctly. Not something I take personally because I'm not even remotely Russian, but for the sake of historical accuracy...

    My guess is that European animosity towards Americans is based on a few factors: (1) after WW2, we basically had the entirety of Europe grossly in debt to the US as a matter of helping them rebuild their countries and economies. It was nice at first, but over generations, you start to grow resentment over being under someone's heel for that long (2) capitalism makes an easy target, and as the figurehead of capitalism, we get the brunt of it (3) everybody else got out of their imperialist phases in the early 20th century. Our foreign policy has beared a lot of resemblance to imperialism, so it serves as a platform for Europeans to look down their noses at how uncivilized we are. I believe England has a bit of a history of moral elitism, in fact this meme was a key factor that E.D. Morel played off of in his crusade to end King Leopold II's ownership and mistreatment of the Congo and its people.

    Also, by my estimation, people in Europe and other countries where there is far more cultural homogeneity tend to be way more overtly racist than the average American. The average whitebread American may be ignorant, but they are rarely racist in the true sense of the word, and if they have such misconceptions, they don't necessarily realize it - being aware of your own predispositions towards one race is pretty part-and-parcel with the sort of overt "racism" I'm talking about here. The impressions I've got over the years of knowing people from Europe, and knowing people from Asia, is that what we have in America is nothing at all like what you'll see, even in Western Europe, where we bear the strongest cultural similarities.

    The subtle racism we talked about earlier in this thread may seem more "harmful", but I don't think anyone can honestly believe it is when they sit down and think about the fact that a society of overt racism certainly isn't going to allow an outsider any more privilege than one of subtle racism. At least in the latter there's less fear of violence and murder. Neither one's right, but if I had to choose between a life of constant frustration and constant fear, I'd take frustration. Subtle racism is insidious, but I think it's a stretch to say it's honestly worse.

    One thing about white people that I love to laugh at - It's so taboo to talk about race issues in America, because as soon as someone says something that someone else feels is ignorant, it gets blown far out of proportion, and all dialogue stops as everybody revels in the smug self-satisfaction that they've rooted out a racist. It's pretty hilarious, and it's absurdly counter-productive.

    Also, I learned how to pop/lock in college. The best popper I've ever seen, in person or in videos, was a white guy I knew in Seattle who went by the name Lucky. I've never seen anything like him and I don't imagine I ever will. I couldn't hold a candle to him, but that's two examples of white people dancing, at least.

    I think generally white people don't like to dance because they don't want to embarass themselves. Dancing isn't a big tradition for white people, not in the sense of getting out on a dance floor and shaking your ass - especially for guys. In fact, some protestant religions even forbid dancing because of its inherent expression of sexuality. This is just one example, but you've got centuries and centuries and fucking centuries of sexual repression in European/American history, and guess who some of the first people to colonize America were? The fucking Puritans, who were so conservative that people use their name to describe backwards-thinking ideas of sexuality. They were so conservative that the British kicked them out and sent them here. They were too conservative for the colonial-era British! So that's the back drop for white people dancing in America.

    (This disgustingly long WALL OF TEXT is all just my opinion, and if I come across like I've studied this or I'm some authority on the matter, I most certainly am not. I have read a bit on the Belgian Congo in the late 19th century, which is where the comment on ED Morel came from, but the rest could be total horseshit for all I really know.)

  3. if i didnt know better i'd say we are witnessing some extreme jealousy from a self loathing queer. closets are for clothes. just embrace yourself and come out already.

    Which brings us back to

    This thread is gayer than two men fucking each other in the ass at the same time.

    Just wanted to make sure the point was delivered! Moving on now.

  4. So a few weeks back I ordered this coat, from APC. I got the sale price you see in that url :cool:. So, here are a bunch of pictures in the coat. I love it, so I want to show it off. :cool:

    (APC Duffel Coat, BR Cashmere scarf (on sale), BR sweater, H&M shirt, Zara pantalones, Br zapatos)

    Action shot and Close-up:


    (APC Duffel Coat, scarf from parents' closet circa 1985, BR shirt, Gap cords (sup ken), BR shoes again)

    Second outfit + Gosh! + Action Pose!:


    Action Shot #2&3 - Charlie Chaplin, the DEATH KITTEN OF \nn/ ROCK \nn/ ATTACKS, and I am afflicted with ROCK AND ROLL:


  5. nah i've heard that fierce word before...dunno if it's a bay thing though.

    i don't even frown or anything when i am taking a picture. i just stand there with my normal face, so i guess that's an angry face?

    Apparently my normal face is an angry glare, as well. I look like a goober when I smile for pictures, too, so ... whatever :confused:

  6. 0618001905liu2.jpg

    King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild

    Discusses the humanitarian crisis of the Belgian Congo in the late 19th century and pre-WW1 20th century. I suggest reading Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, first, to provide a short but direct point of reference for the setting of King Leopold's Ghost, which is a bit more autobiographical in nature.

    I would suggest this simply because it's a topic a lot of people simply have no awareness of or familiarity with, and it's still relevant today, because the African continent is still in a horrible state. It wasn't even until 1984 that Belgium made public the few remaining documents it had on the atrocities of the early colonial era. This alone says a lot about why Africa, especially the central region, continues to be in the state that it's in, and the book itself offers substantially more perspective.

  7. im honestly still trying to decide if this is a girl or a guy... anyone got an answer fo rme?

    going with dude on this one. can't be 100% sure, but xbox in the background, very vague crotch protrusion, floor is a total mess.. seems more guy than girl.

  8. Today, a short narrative:


    I am a big man in a tiny hallway.


    Oh no! A monster is coming to get me in my tiny hallway!


    The monster looks like me, and has claimed my head as a prize. The monster is so pale, it clearly needs a tan.

    (forgot to post what I was actually wearing:

    Pullover - Banana Republic

    Thermal - Guess (outlet shopping ahoy)

    Jeans - Acne Mod in Grey, dont remember wash name

    Shoes - Banana Republic)

  9. I got a little dressed up at work today:

    Coat: Zara

    Scarf: Banana Republic

    Shirt: Banana Republic

    Waistcoat: Modern Amusement

    Pants: Zara (miraculous that they even fit my fat ass)

    Belt: Calvin Klein

    Socks: I don't remember, but I love argyle socks lately so I threw a picture in

    Shoes: Banana Republic

    Fragrance: L'Anarchiste by Caron (not that anyone cares)


    P.S. I tied a pretty wack knot with that scarf, I think, so if I post any more with one I'll make sure to try and redeem myself.

  10. Picked up some John Varvatos for Converse jeans today at Bloomingdale's in SF. Just got home so I don't feel like modeling them (lol), but here they are:

    img1570oi8.th.jpg img1583kb3.th.jpgimg1578xj1.th.jpgimg1575fc6.th.jpgimg1582oa8.th.jpg

    (fakeedit: they actually have a slight taper to them, I'd meant to take a picture of th leg folded up, but forgot.)

    Price ran $189.00 retail. Fit is more or less spot-on or me, very similar to Nudie SS. May want to size down if you're one of them skinny types.

    VVVVV -- they had a hoodie I liked too, but 350 for it was too much. thick knit, light brown, cool details on the hood. can't find the collection anywhere online though :(

  11. Wore this a couple days back at work:


    (sorry, the first one's a little blurry at full-size)

    Undershirt: Zara

    Sweater: Banana Republic

    Jacket: Obey

    Pants: Straight Svens, don't remember what wash

    Boots: Kenneth Cole (can't really see them, which is fine, I want to find a better pair)

    I trimmed the facial hair down a bit a couple days later, for the record.

  12. 1. Thai food from anywhere in Seattle. Favorite: Pad Thai from Chantanee in Bellevue (about the only reason I ever came out to Bellevue) Honorable mention: Thai Tom on the Ave.

    2. Indian food from the Bay Area, specifically along the Peninsula. Favorite: Bhindi Masala from Passage to India.

    3. cheap Chicken Teriyaki from any of the cheap Korean-owned Seattle "teriyaki" joints. Doesn't taste authentic, but it doesn't fucking matter; the ultimate ghetto food. Favorite: can't even remember the name the place was so ghetto :(

    4. breakfast at Stacks in Burlingame in the Bay Area. Favorite: lumberjack pancakes. Pancakes with banana, blueberry, walnut, and macadamia nut, with a blueberry spread on the side. Filling. Very.

    5. gourmet pizza on the west coast. Yeah, you guys out in New York and Chicago have a good thing going, but the beauty of pizza is that it's so easy to do well, and places like Mad Pizza and Zeek's in Seattle, and similar places in California and Oregon, do some pretty cool stuff. Favorite: depends on the day, really...

    stopping at 5 cuz i suck.

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