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Posts posted by simonlondon

  1. So glad I stumbled upon this thread!!

    Good to see so many clued up dudes happen to be on superfuture (although one or two people clearly need to do some cramming on hardcore history)

    ..so many of my favourite hardcore and hardcore-related (post-hardcore/emo) bands in this thread..

    I feel a strong desire to mention these bands:

    Straight ahead, Floorpunch, Turning Point, Token Entry, Outburst, Underdog, SSD And DYS, Moss Icon, Saetia..shit hardcore's good. Oh and much love for the indian summer mentioners..

    I agree, zines are such an integral part of hardcore, there are still a lot being produced.

    Shame about all the millionth generation 'emo' bands and metal bands that are in the mainstream at the moment, but hopefully it will lead some kids on to checking out the roots of the subculture, and checking out some incredible bands.

    And a mutual love of knife fight ('take your white belt and get the fuck out' - fashion parade) and dior homme 19cms makes perfect sense to me.

  2. i just called BiG today, didn't ask about these particular jeans, but they said they were in the process of cutting off all the tags and pocket stitching. they said they can't leave the store with the tags and acruates intact.

    but i'm not sure how strict they'll be if you go there and talk to them... maybe they thought i was an undercover customs agent, lol

    haha, thanks man. Damn you levis. I'll try my luck on the phone (8 hours flight might be excessive for some new jeans)..

  3. Anyone else have these?

    I really like them, but just wondering about people's experiences of wearing them in/washing them...

    I guess they are black overdyed denim..feel pretty raw as well...are these going to wear and change if I wear them in for a long time before washing them, or are they just going to stay black and I should just dry clean and keep them how they are? Do they lose their colour in a bad way from washing?


  4. (I'm sorry if this is one of those threads that comes up every week, but I couldn't find a good answer from searching..)

    So I have been wearing these raw jeans for about 4 months...I really don't want to wash them as they are just starting to look amazing, but after some pretty dutty nights out they smell terrible..what do people use to clean/disguise this? Some kind of spray?

    I tried hanging them up outside..kind of got rid of the smoke smell, but they still smell like sweat/puke haha.

  5. Hi....

    So I just bought a pair of acne max raw's...i've got some raw denim on the go that are looking increasingly awesome, and wanted to try these as well.

    Looking here though I've read some stuff that the acne raw stuff doesn't wear in that well....any got any opinions? Has anyone got some and got them looking really good? Am I wasting my time?

    Otherwise I might take them back and swap them for some pre-washed ones like the max garage or the blackness.

    Help a brother out...thanks!


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