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Posts posted by hoodsuburbia

  1. nothing really going on with these they are 32x32 i believe and has had 2 soaks (one initial soak and one back in june)i started wearing these 5.16.08 and pretty much wear them everyday but i do take breaks from them as well. i went like a week or so not wearing them but yeah pretty much everyday or for sure 5 days out of the week. i dont ride bikes in these i dont skate in these (usually skate in some baggier jeans) i mainly smoke weed in them and wear them to work.

    sorry the evo isnt so extravagant but pics never hurt a thread.











    good shit man. cant wait to see when they hit the 6 month mark.

  2. AFAIK they remove them as soon as they arrive. Because it's illegal to sell them with them intact. meaning they aren't really likely to sell them to YOU as such.

    Buy from rakuten, or contact Parachutes

    chillout and thanks for clarifying it. i was thinkin of something i guess... but yeah cool.

  3. loose lips sink ships...from now on, im having the arc removed from all future purchases, for 4 reasons:

    1. i dont want to give the schmucks@ levi strauss anything to beat their dicks over,

    2. i dont want to falsely cross-advertise for them(i dont want anyone to mistake them as levis, and then give them more $$$.

    3. i love toshiko, she's my geisha princess.

    4. i also love the japanese girl @BIG who takes out the arcs and tab by hand.

    PS: fuck levis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

    im a little lost. was this recent? like do they still come with tabs and arcs and they just remove then when you buy them? sorry if its a dumb question but ive been searching for a pair of sammies with arcs and tab intact.. and if this is the case ill just order them from BIG

  4. i know i dont have a high post count but thats funny how a lot of new people come on the board and always ask dumb questions and need convincing and shit like that... again i dont have a high post count but its like more people are coming on thinking raw denim is a trend or whatever. its just pants.

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