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Posts posted by mwrenchd

  1. i know this is totally late but are there any sales still going on in nyc? im comin up this wknd. trying to figure out what i need to check out.

    Seems I deleted the email already, but Bblessing is having a sale that started on Friday. I don't think their S2A stuff is on sale yet but Preen, Patrick Ervell, and RAF is and wasn't picked over when I was there just before the new year.

  2. Another great year for music. There were tons of awesome albums this year- too many to list.

    1. Dirty Projectors - Rise Above

    2. Angels of Light - We Are Him

    3. Grails - Burning Off Impurities

    4. Erik Friedlander & John Zorn - Volac: Book of Angels vol 8

    5. Autumn Shade - Ezra Moon

    6. Akron Family - Love Is Simple

    7. Sapat - Mortise and Tenon

    8. Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today

    9. Sonic Chicken 4 - S/T

    10. Evan Miller - Beeswax Ephemera

  3. Damn, y'all are some rich kids -- parents forking over $4k a month to be in school is INSANE. Anyway, it kind of figures, seeing as there is a huge proportion of students or recent grads here, and most of the goods displayed aren't cheap.

    Wouldn't say I grew up poor (in terms of real-world income distribution), but definitely lower middle-class (i.e. 25k USD or so for a family of 5). No welfare or anything but I was one of those free lunch public school slobs.

    Now I am very solidly upper middle class. The wife and I will soon both have ivy professional degrees. I've scaled back my discretionary spending a good bit the last 8 months, as we are hoping to buy property in the next year or so and have onerous student loans to contend with.

  4. that keypad is awful. that alone is a total deal breaker for me. i could care less about all the technology, software, and blah blah blah behind this thing. I CAN'T TYPE.

    Checked one out at the store too. Pretty fuckin slick. I'm gonna hold off a while on getting one, but I'm pretty sure it will end up in my pocket before the end of the year.

    As for the keyboard, I could hit 25-30wpm after using it for 10 minutes, which is much better than I can do with T9 phones. I imagine after a couple weeks, I could probably approach blackberry speed. I dunno, maybe your fingers are retarded.

  5. I liked the shorts that Opening Ceremony and YMC did this season. Ended up picking up a pair of the YMC. Oak NYC has a Patrik Ervell pair that look nice but no way I'm paying over $200 for shorts.

  6. My rules of thumb:

    Buy the ring in a metal that coordinates with her other jewelry.

    Clarity VS2 or better, color H or better (you probably won't be able to distinguish above VS1, F without magnification)

    If you don't talk to your girl ahead of time, round brilliant is a safe choice for the cut.

    Buy the most carat you can afford paid cash up front.

    I took my time looking, probably shopped around for 6 months or so while I saved. Ended up buying online from Blue Nile and was very happy with it.

  7. Ask me tomorrow and I would come up with a mostly different list.

    John Zorn - The Big Gundown

    Guided by Voices - Alien Lanes

    Les Savy Fav - The Cat & the Cobra

    Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy

    Fugazi - 13 Songs

  8. and mr. wrenchild, what a fucking horrid outlook on life. this sounds like the dickshit teachers in my elementary school who would say shit like "YEAH? Well life's not fair, get used to it." Great life lesson there Mr. Asshead.

    Actually, I'm quite the optimist and have a lot of faith in other people -- to the point that it annoys the hell out of my misanthrope wife. I feel bad for the OP and hope that his/her crisis passes and things look up, truly I do -- and I don't mean to direct my consternation at Sayword.

    I just have little patience in a generalized sense for these naive ideas of limitless opportunity, that you can have whatever you want if you just "do what makes you happy", that life will be fed to you by a silver spoon if you are a good person. Truth is, we are not owed anything. A quarter-life crisis is a "crisis" of privilege.

    Being a self-sufficient adult in this modern hypercapitalist world means learning how to put up with bullshit, working as hard as needed to reach your goals, and still figuring out a way to lead a reasonably happy life with the people you care most about. Part of that is realizing that it is not a level playing field, you can't have whatever you want, and you probably won't find both self-actualization and financial security in the workplace. It means growing up, setting goals, assessing your environment, rolling up your sleeves, enjoying the ride, taking risks, accepting failure.

    It's not rocket science.

  9. I'm with Minya on this one. While there are certainly dynamics that uniquely affect today's 20-somethings (e.g. extreme job insecurity, rapid expansion of educational debt), this shit is just part of growing up and becoming an adult.

    To be honest, I think a lot of it is from people being too fucking coddled -- all this "the world is your oyster", "you are special", "just be yourself", "do what makes you happy" BS that baby boomer parents spew at their children.

    Fact is, until you are in comfortable retirement, being an adult is probably always going to be an uphill battle. Don't expect to find satisfaction or fulfillment from your job -- if you do, consider yourself lucky, but it certainly isn't owed to you.

  10. Not a fan of clip-on braces - was made to wear them way too much as a little kid. The metal hardware just seems tacky to me. The button ones, on the other hand, are not very useful aside from tuxedos or higher-end/custom trousers.

  11. I think Jack's dad was alive in the flash-forward. Consider the scene at the pharmacy, when one of the prescriptions he handed the cashier was made out under his father's name - she suggested calling the office to verify with him.

    good finale by the way. I was disappointed by the bulk of this season, but it definitely took a turn for the better in the last 3 or 4 episodes.

  12. Y'know there's sucha thing as skinny fat people.

    Fat skinny I get, like people who have a thin frame but carry a sizeable beer gut. I have no idea what a skinny fat person is. Besides, I was speaking in generalities, the same generalities that a nutritionist would speak in.

  13. Unless there is a severe eating disorder involved, being skinny is not a health risk. Sure, lack of strength can be a problem, especially at 50+ yrs old, but that's more a quality of life risk than a reduction in average life expectancy.

    Being fat on the other hand has all kinds of well-documented long-term health risks that demonstrably reduce life expectancy and raise the cost of health care for everyone else.

    Besides, there are very few unhealthily skinny people that post here. Most of the sz 26, 27 waist people are also below average height, so they are not too skinny for their frame. The worst that their thin-ness is doing is giving you body image problems. Get over it.

    For reference, I am 6 ft tall, weigh 145-150 lbs and wear a size 29 or 30 waist. So pretty slim but by no means unhealthy. I eat a well-balanced diet of ~2200-2500 calories a day and exercise a couple times a week (no power-lifting though, I don't see the point from a health perspective). My BMI is 19.7.

    For a 6-ft tall man, the Center for Disease Control defines the "normal" weight range as 137 - 183 lbs. Scale that as needed by height, and I'm guessing that 99% of the people you might call "really skinny" fall within a normal healthy range.

  14. dude, it's just a fuckin tick. Is this your first time in the woods or something? Pick it off and throw it out the damn window. Then check the rest of the jeans closely, inside and out. There is no such thing as microscopic ticks, so if you don't see any, you're fine.

    If your jeans are really dirty and smelly, that's an entirely different question. In that case, wash them. With soap.

  15. Would 2nd the Bastille area recommendation for Paris. A couple more stops out into Menilmontant, just before the Pere-Lachaise cemetery would work well too and is probably where I will look to stay next time. I really enjoyed a number of the bars out there, and it's a pretty young area.

    If you're staying in Paris for more than a week, I'd strongly suggest you explore an apartment rental, especially if you can find 1-2 other people to crash with you and chip in. Not hostel cheap (unless you split it) but good bang for the buck.

    In Amsterdam, I've stayed in the swisshotel by the Dam twice. Again, t's not dirt cheap (I think around 80 euro/night) but pretty nice and a very convenient location. Next time back, I will probably try to find a place to stay in the Haarlem neighborhood, just north of the Jordaan and west of Centraal Station.

    Don't know a thing about Antwerp.

    Good luck and have fun! I'm jealous. :)

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