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Posts posted by laffinxD

  1. uh, no. you. don't.

    end of story.

    ps. your one waywt suggests that you are apparently hotchoc's gay cousin. and that apparently you hate eyes just as much as you hate me. go figure.

    Mhm whatever makes you feel better.

    Typical of you, let's pull out the gay card because the way I dress as long as you feel good right? oh I never said I'm a good dresser but at least I won't go around flaunting my pictures when I have cheeks as red as a baboon's arse.

  2. ...It's not funny that you seem to think short people must be wearing gap kids....

    you seem to not understand language..

    first, i have no sympathy for people whose fits get hated on because like others have posited, by posting a waywt, you sign an implicit contract to have your clothing critiqued by others, be it warranted or not. that purpose is the lowest common denominator of the forum. you acknowledged this yourself. no one is going to say "well her fit sucks but i'm sure she's smart and has a great personality.. +rep"

    second, who said she had to be original? in fact, there is certainly a range of aesthetic everyone on here adheres to, or responds to. or, at the very least get clothes that are flattering.

    nothing is wrong with uglies shopping at gap kids, just don't post them in a fashion snob forum. i don't think i got too personal. commenting on carpet is not personal. oh, and please do yourself a favor and remove the word "conform" from your diction before you graduate grade 10 and learn to construct a cohesive arguement instead of squandering time making annoying posts. thanks and stop wasting cyberspace.

    Oh I understand language fine. Criticism is fine depends on how your approaching it, you are just being nasty. I never said don't critique, I speak on your rude comments. I never said she was being original, I simply said no one is truly original. Calling people ugly isn't getting personal? My arguments are fine, I think it's you that can't all you seem to do is use your bitter words on other people to uphold yourself to a higher standard and you tell me I shoulnd't waste cyberspace? Please, just stop flattering yourself already.

  3. To be brief, I think it should be pretty plain to anyone who has spent more than five minutes on this site that as soon as you post that you are put yourself into a position of scrutiny. To take it one step further, and actually post a picture of yourself in WAYWT is to essentially throw yourself into the fire. There are popular, veteran members who still make it into worst waywt, and they suck it up the criticism like everyone else.

    What I find completely baffling is the people who post a picture of themselves, get torn apart, then post "why do you guys take fashion so seriously" or "no need to attack anyone". This is a fashion forum on the internet. If you don't want to be criticized then you shouldn't be posting. Obviously we are going to comment on your fashion. Why else you would you be posting if you didn't want a resonse. If you didn't want other people's imput, why did you post it? If you want people to give you unconditional praise, why didn't just send it to your mother?

    This talk about conformity is absolute bullshit. You take two of the more respected members of this site: Cheep and Chris, and you couldn't really have two farther extremes. Both of them have style, both of them are consistently creative, and both of them put together esoteric fits that as ideals the world could use more conforming to.

    Is this shit really that complicated? I think you and all the other sensitive members should just take their fits to myspace, deviantart, or hotornot since it seems like you just want to people to stroke your e-genitals enough that you feel like you've experienced true love for the first time.

    Yes I agree with almost your whole post the thing is though there is a difference. Criticism I'll suck it up. There's no doubt about it. But then there are personal attacks which is not even criticisim anymore. I don't mind hearing people's opinions on how I dress people do it on a constant basis as you step out of the house but then there's people who just want to attack you. Both Cheep and Chris do dress very well and have different styles but what I'm saying is not that they conform to a certain style but that no one is born with the knowledge of style you learn from somewhere don't you? That is all I'm saying I'm saying we get it from somewhere yes they are both good dressers but they weren't born with it. They both obviously gained experience from somewhere. I don't need to feel better about myself I don't mind being criticize but just actual criticism is different from a personal attack.

  4. there are some great people on this site that I respect like mike lowery and haptronic and etc. who seem like people you'd actually want to be friends with and then there are people like subarashii_kudamono who clearly loves attacking people as it seems like her job. I actually respected you in the beginning seeing as the ratio of women to men on this site is pretty low, so it's nice to see more females posting but it's probably people like you that stop females from posting on this site. Instead of being helpful you just resort to being plain nasty. There are great female dressers like bizzy and timber but they don't go around thinking they are almighty and must impose their views on people unlike you.

    It's not funny that you seem to think short people must be wearing gap kids. In fact I'm sure there are short people that DO in fact buy from gap kids. I'm sorry but not everyone is a tall skinny goddess like you there are people that are short and aren't skinny. Believe it or not but people actually buy payless shoes because heaven forbid not all people actually are rich like you. We can't all buy miu miu bags and flash them. I've seen your pictures your backgrounds aren't all that great either.

    To all those that say that she is an attention seeker and a bad dresser. True you don't have that wrong attention seeker she is, but to some degree all that post pictures on this website or on the waywt page are seeking intention by showing their style or whatever. Are you honestly telling me we're doing this for the sake of something altruistic if that's the case we would never post any images of ourselves or what we wear or just pictures we take at all we'd keep it on our computers am I not wrong? The bad dresser thing is how you interpret it. Not everyone is great at dressing but to base that on the first post is ridiculous. I for one know the first time I took a pic for waywt was just for fun. It wasn't like I was actually all that concious of my setting and angles and etc.

    Everyone has their own style. I remember seeing this girl called shorty something and her style wasn't exactly what everyone liked but instead of helping her people just trashed on how bad she dressed. That was her first post I'm sure she did it for fun as most people post on waywt for fun. And abotu the conforming and fitting in with the style, we all do it. Whether we want to admit it or not. None of us were born and as a baby thought OH I want to wear skinny jeans or I want some nice boots. We adapt and emulate people we see on tv and etc. We learn from different places. But no one is born with style nor is anyone truly unique because we all get ideas from somewhere none of us were born as fashion gurus.

  5. I've ordered from this site before. They are really good with packaging it comes in a box and the shirt I got was nicely wrapped as if it were a gift with the gift tissues and even plastic wrap for the shirt. The free shipping is only if you order at least 200 or more worth of clothing I believe. If not you have to pay 12 dollars for shipping. As for if their stuff is legit, I don't know because most of them are not brands I know of to begin with. Although I do question the price of some of this stuff. Some shirts are really expensive maybe they are made with way better material than zipia? Cuz if those shirts are like anything you can get at zipia than it's not worth the money for some of the stuff.

  6. I knew someone would find it! Good job fellows!

    Well not really, now everyone here will be wearing this shit.

    Not really not everything on their site appeals to everyone just like a lot of people like bape doesn't mean everyone is gonna wear it. But either way people would find out especially if you wanna order it with others they would obviously have to see what they were ordering first to see if they liked it. BUT this site has some good stuff but a lot of their stuff is not all that great as well.

  7. I dunno if it has anything to do with asians because I would never and have never waited online for things like sneakers playstation 3 or any of the sort not even clothes. If I want it I'll just get it but I'd never want to wait on a line just for some sneakers I mean you either get it or you don't and if I were to ever wait online to buy something it would only be because I'm want it not to resell. BTW I am asian.

  8. I say just wear what you want if you like it then wear it so many people wouldn't wear the same things I wear but I like it so that's all that really matters if you like the glasses wear it if you don't then you can resell it I guess there's no point in listening to everyone else's opinions because in the end you decide.

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