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Posts posted by tzaitam

  1. anybody know what kind of wax they use on/comes with the shoes?

    British Millerain Original Wax Dressing come with the shoes but I guess that any Cotton Wax should do the trick if you can't find that particular brand where you live.


  2. wish iaudio worked with macs... their software and playback are an audiophile's dream.

    Why wouldn't iaudio work with macs? Their flash based devices are all UMD/UMS (Universal Mass Storage Device) which means that you won't need any special software to use them, just plug them in and transfer files as if it were a thumb-drive. Works with Windows, Linux and OSX. I do not know if their hard drive based players works the same.

    But to answer the original question; any UMD/UMS device should work and I have great experience with the audio quality of iaudio and Creative.


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