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Posts posted by billabongkid17

  1. Hey guys...

    I'm leaving for Hong Kong in about two weeks and I was wondering if I could get some help for my week long trip by being pointed in the right direction in terms of clubs, bars, shopping areas, etc....


  2. Shit...I was discovered my new favorite drink! I took some Absolut Vodka and mixed it with Orangina instead of orange juice...brilliant! nilly.gif

    drank that out of the big bottle with my friends when i was in france

  3. when you get mad becuase someone almost spills beer on your new jeans, and when you explain that you just had them brought over from japan they say" i really hope youre not serious"

    except in my case she did spill the beer and i didnt want to see her the rest of the night

  4. I recently went to japan... i tried them on but the fit was a bit too baggy for me... i opted for the SDA 303's one wash because they had a less baggy cut and were about $115 (considering i only had $140 left for my trip) i decided to buy them and not eat anything except yoshinoya for a day...

    anyways ya i liked the 303's alot, esp. for a better cut

  5. Hey... I'm going on a trip to Tokyo in a month and I was wondering if anyone has good suggestions for bars and/or clubs.... I know the drinking age is 20 but I have a fake so any place suggested would be great!

    Also going to Taipei... any club suggestions there too would be appreciated!

    Thanks again!

  6. Nice is great... I spent 5 weeks studying there last summer.... in the Vieux Ville.. there are 1 in 3 shops is a bar... the clubs were alrite... Shopping is blah... Paris is much much better...

    I can recall a few denim shops north of the carrosel (I forget exactly where that is) as well as some clubs up there...

    Finnocios gelato is to die for... they have 50+ types of gelato including beer, rum, and everythign imaginable...

    It's really hot and humid in August, fyi but I think you'll have a blast...

    You'll have enough to do in Nice for a few days

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