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Posts posted by sevenjeansareoverrated

  1. i think its harsh to compare polo to mossimo. I mean, Polo's RL line is disgusting, but if you go into their polo ralph lauren store and try on the ashmore original jean, it is very comfortable, not very chic, as mr lauren said, but good for the se7en for all mankind crowd, (i know my name is dedicated to my hatred of se7ens, but i admire their dominance of the denim marketplace)

  2. go to eleuxury.com, my man, and i didnt mean raw, i meant any denim. go to the DH section. there are pants for $600 there. i agree though, $350 for rawe is preposterous

  3. i went into barneys co op the other day to get a dress shirt, and was surprised (in a good way) to find what i thought to be a pair of raw acnes. my question is; the sales rep could give me all kinds of background on acne, but couldnt tell me if they were raw or not. does acne have a raw jean, or am i just being taken for a ride?

  4. Quote:

    Luisa viaroma just put fall/winter 2006 on the site, which includes indigo and the fucking hard-to-find black raw 19 cm's for 219 euros, dirt cheap. Gettem while they last kids.

    --- Original message by Airjamie on Jun 5, 2006 05:39 PM

    early bird gets the worm i guess, i had that exact pair you are describing, black raw dry jap selvage for $295 in 19cm overnighted, and i love them. also, the representative told me about DH's new ultra slim fit, the 17cm, which came in with the fall collection.
  5. yeah...i just ordered a pair. there was one last raw black in a 27 waist in the Vegas store. so far im pleased, but im a little upset about the inseam. all of them are inseam 37, no matter what waist, and i cant seem to find a good dc hemmer or tailor. the fit is great thought, and they are stiff, but comfortable. the starting price is 240 dollars, but in some of the flagship stores the starting price may go above 350. I got mine for 295.

  6. i recently bought 2 new drys, and after sleeping in them messed up the honeycombs, i tried to think of another way. cheapmuthafukr said it did and i skate routinely everywhere, and at skateparks, if you don't want to wear your drys everyday will skating in them everyday do the same thing at the same rate?

  7. ok, now the third step in the anorexia confirmation thing is for me to get really mad and start yelling at you, and the only reason i changed my sn was because someone was giving me crap.

    btw...aren't sevens actually overrated...you probably know better than me...i just dont like the fits, personally, and feel that people are getting ripped for jeans that look like GAP and cost more than APC

  8. i was wondering something today. I was trying on jeans, and...apparently i can fit into a girls 24. I thought i was a guys 25, and i know that im fourteen, but im 5'10 and 120lbs. im not anorexic or anything, and eat five times a day without fail, but i wanted to know if a 'freakishly thin' (to quote a friend of mine) should wear slim jeans, or go baggy not to gross people out.

  9. thanks, corbin. i came back just to see how much airjamie had trashed me, but i got some useful info from you, too! i also read some other posts, its mixed. some people just use my youth as an excuse for my bad conduct, others say i'm unintetionally hilarious in a bad way, others in a good way. i bet that at least 5 people will coment on my latest flirtation with the golden goddess of hypocrisy, but...thats them.

    I've also noticed something. after wearing my regular ralf dry selvage for about a month, i don't see any wear anywhere. i've worn it about 20 times, and still see no signs of break in. A little more comfy, but thats all. please feel free to rant and rave about how annoying i am. i find it as priceless as some of you find me comments on emo kids

  10. Dude...wow. I've been wasting so much time attempting to be something better, you know, kind of a poser and all that, but you've made me realize something: you can't waste time impressing people. And now that i know that my infectious precosity is unappreciated in your circle, i leave you wiser than yesterday, (cheesy cliches, all of them, i know) and i thank you. You will never hear me again. I will continue to buy jeans, but not let it consume my life and self. It aint me.

  11. wow. a republican and a far reacher. you take those two things way out of context. Regular evisu: i.e. evisu you buy at urban oufitters is crap, and terrible, and i thought all other evisu was terrible too. Then, another person on this board told me that some evisu was not baggy, stiff, streetwalking crap. I was interested, so i asked him for locations where i could look in to purchasing those. Thats what happened. In regards to the republican part, you called me a faggot and criticized my kerry-esque flip flopping, which i just answered, and in regards to my sexual orientation, you need looke no further than the post five above this one.

  12. basically, the darker you want it, the colder you set the wash on, if you want a mick jagger style black, than you want the coldest setting on your washer, if you want a sandrider kind of thing, the hottest. find out through personal experimentation what you like the best

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