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Posts posted by Waldo

  1. Apologies for using this like a guide book - I just find your advice better than a random trip advisor.

    Nice in August.

    Restaurants and Clubs?

    Worth getting out of there and checking out Antibe?


    Am only there for a few days.

    Thanks again.


  2. Car - check.

    Villa - check.

    Space/DC10 - check.

    Avoid San Antonio - check.

    Northern beaches sound like the sort of thing I'm looking for.

    And any restaurant recomendations would be great.

    Thanks guys.

  3. So... I'm making my first visit to the island for a friends birthday.

    What are the good restaurants? Is there any good shopping?

    Places to avoid?

    Places not to miss?

    Edited by Waldo on May 10, 2006 at 05:30 AM

  4. There's a real simple way to do this. Just get over being squished down in one place for a whole year. Berlin for the majority of the time. London in the summer - it's when it works best and you'll get on the good foot.

    Paris - easily reached from either London or Berlin plus you'll get to travel through the countryside on the trains and check other shit out and see the land. Paris is beautiful but like the other guy said, not for long periods. I've known numerous friends and francophiles who've moved back because they got jacked off with properly living there.

    Perfect solution!

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