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Posts posted by madeinkorea23

  1. I have for sale a pair of APC sz 31 New Cures that have been worn approx 4-5 times at most and have been worn lightly. They have not been washed and the new cures are too slim for me so I would like to get rid of them. I am looking to get 100.00 for these. I am located in los angeles. Thank you!










  2. man i found korea to be cheap! but then again i was with my gf and her friends most of the time and had many things paid for.. and didn't wild out as hard as you.. but i ended spending abour 2,300,000 won over two weeks with a grand in aud left over on my last day, and even 900 korean bucks left.. i guess it depends where you go.. i wish i got to drink alot more than i did :( alcohol prices in aus are ridiculous

    korea can definitely be either cheap or really expensive. Its fun to grab cheap soju with friends and have really good cheap food but we just wanted to go crazy this time and each night would come out to like 2000 bucks which is why the money just kept leaking out of the pockets. clubbing, room salon's, etc are crazy pricy. But then again, clubbing in korea is cheaper than clubbing in Vegas. Just went to a booking club in Ktown this past weekend in LA and i must say, it made me realize how much i miss korea.

  3. haha yeah i never understood how expensive korea was until this year since we actually went to clubs and sooljibs. One night, my boy just took care of a 2000dollar tab for me and another friend at a karaoke and i still had to use 3000 for like a total of 4-5 nights of going out. Weekdays i stayed home usually but man was it hard to hang with korean style drinking. lets try meet up next time dismal!

  4. dismal and dizz, very sad i did not get to see you guys again this summer.

    I just returned to the states and damn these past 2 weeks were insane. I came to realize certain things about Korea this trip though...

    - money is truly like water here.

    - everything was damn expensive.

    - you really need to have money in korea to have a good time.

    after a couple nights at ellui and hitting up karaoke's with the homies, i seriously spent about 3k USD and all i have left are some insane memories or lack of? due to blacking out so many times and many receipts that show how badly we got ass fucked price wise. Keeping in touch with some of the girls i met in korea thanks to kakao and one of them happens to be this 보더 girl that was assigned to our room at karaoke and shes 19 and she seems like a chill girl. I honestly feel bad for her but maybe cause im not used to seeing such young girls hustling like this to get their designer fix. Overall, i had fun but i'm ready to start working now back in the states but i'll def. be back in winter for some more mayhem.

  5. dismal, are you guys seriously down to go next weekend. I'm down to get a table and mess around haha I leave on the 26th so anytime before that.

    i love these young SIS girls cause they are skanky as fuck but they show respect to their elder 선배 and suck up to you like crazy

  6. welcome back to the motherland mink.

    thank you dizz. man went to ellui last night and that place is packed with hot chicks. I only went to SIS for 1 year here in 5th grade and now after graduating college, im reaping the benefits of going to SIS and meeting all these '91 chicks because my friends tell them i am their 선배 haha

    round 2 tonight at ellui or answer should be a fun night.

    dizz where you at in korea?

  7. dismal, do you have any TOJ stuff i can pick up here while im in korea? went to Dior homme in galleria a few days ago and i think it is way over priced compared to the prices in the US. Especially getting used to the Barney's co-op seasonal sales which is like 60-70% off in the states, i just don't feel its worth paying so much for clothes here that i can pick up in america.

  8. someone just joined sufu and came in this thread with a big ol stick up the butt hole.

    theres tons of korean americans out here especially around the summer time and its chill but with attitude like that, everyones gonna hate on you

  9. congrats to those who got into the schools of their choice! I remember it was 2 years ago I was in the same position and i applied to ucla, ucb, and ucsd and the major i applied to for ucla which is known to be really easy to get into got shut down due to budget cuts so i was -_- but i came to ucsd and i can't believe 2 years already went by and im graduating in a month. Have fun at whichever college and make sure to balance school and playing. College is such a huge experience of your life and I honesetly am sad to be gradating because i will never have my college years back again which is why i even enjoy studying and doing all nighters these days because these are the college times ill cherish.

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