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Posts posted by cocoa_vanille_vanille

  1. Quote:

    first of all, do you speak french or german? if you don't then definetly don't go to Paris and reconsider about Berlin. Unless you are really rich, living in Paris without speaking french will be impossible (and i really mean impossible) and in Berlin, it will be hard (most germans, especially good ones speak decent or even very good english but still, it will be hard to integrate if you don't speak german). as for living, i love Paris have tons of friends there and visit at least once a year if not more but i could never live there, the maximum i can stay is 2 weeks, after that the city drives me crazy. nothing is ever open (shops and supermarket closing at 8 everyday and not opening on sunday is just ridiculous, not worthy of a one of the world "greatest"city), customer service is the worse in the world (you cannot even imagine how much ppl don't give a shit about their job), parisians are fucking arogant , there's strikes all the time, you will be victim of a criminal act on average every month and if you are american, well, frenchs like americans about has much if not less as americans like frenchs so you get the idea, etc. london on the other hand is insanely expensive, it rains pretty much everyday the public transport system is a joke but is also an amazing city, my favorite in Europe and with Geneve and Stockholm, where i could see myself living eventualy. Berlin is a cool place but i've only been there on holidays and never for more than a couple days so it's hard to say how much i like the place.

    --- Original message by Kasper on Apr 7, 2006 11:25 AM

    Now THATS the response i'm looking for!!!!!!!!!

    I speak french, yes. and I plan on taking a German immersion course for an extended period of time, if it should be Berlin. Yeah i was a little worried about London, primarily cause of what I hear about the weather and the expensiveness of it. I have lived in Geneva for 3 years. Believe me, its not a place to LIVE!! Unless your have money... and really really want to settle down. Tell me more about london. and what was your general impression of Berlin?

  2. Now THATS the response i'm looking for!!!!!!!!!

    I speak french, yes. and I plan on taking a German immersion course for an extended period of time, if it should be Berlin. Yeah i was a little worried about London, primarily cause of what I hear about the weather and the expensiveness of it. I have lived in Geneva for 3 years. Believe me, its not a place to LIVE!! Unless your have money... and really really want to settle down. Tell me more about london. and what was your general impression of Berlin?

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