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Posts posted by bph

  1. I got a sneak peek of the sale today. (I work in the building and we share some storage space with Prada). I didn't get a chance to look too closely or check out prices or anything, but it looks like they have quite a bit of merchandise. About 20 or so racks of apparel (trench coats, button-ups, tees, etc), maybe a dozen racks of shoes, and a load of bags, including mens messengers and duffles. Overall, id say it'll be worth checking out for sure.

  2. I didn't go into Odin (because even on sale i'm too broke for most of what they carry at the moment) but Den has almost all Cheap Monday stock marked down to the 30-40 dollar range. Still have a lot of variety and sizes left as well. I picked up a denim jacket for $39 and a few pairs of jeans for $30 each. Definitely worthwhile to stop in.

  3. What about tattoos? I have always heard from people to tip tattoo artists if he/she has done a good job with the work, but I have yet to do so. One time I offered to tip and he turned it away like I insulted him, like doing the work was rewarding enough.

    I always tip for tattoos. Im sure my artists wouldnt be offended if i didnt, but they're always really appreciative when that i do, and im sure that's part of the reason why they tend to bump other appointments to fit me in, and charge me less than the shop rate...

  4. Yeah if you want to pay for yours and other people`s insurance through your tax good for you. Personally I dont because anyone thats earning just a little more than minimum wage should be able to afford their own private health insurance.

    Absolute nonsense. Even the most minor necessary surgical procedures can cost upwards of $10,000 here in the US. Have fun trying to pay for that when you're making $20,000 a year. And "working hard" or "having talent" is completely beside the point. Many types of jobs, including most creative-type jobs, freelance, etc., simply do not provide insurance, and purchasing it for yourself is far more expensive than would be the case if it was built into your taxes.

  5. the beginnings of a collection:

    nice garage sale pickup, DUM,

    but i would recommend ditching that Series E lens and picking up the standard Nikon 50 f1.8, or moving up to the 1.4.

    build quality and sharpness will be much better, and you can get them used on keh.com for super cheap.

  6. So what kind of discounts you get from belonging to PPR group?

    Gucci Group employees get 50% off at their home brand (whichever one they directly work for, ie. YSL, Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, etc.) and 30% off at all other Gucci Group brands. (im a former employee)

  7. "On March 26, 2007, Time Inc. announced that it would fold Life magazine as of April 20, 2007, although it would keep the Web site."

    Even though its been a ghost of its former self for a while now, that still saddens me.

    Big changes are coming...

  8. dont know why, but this one fucking killed me...

    "Would You Like Some Scones With That Gin N' Juice?

    Black teen #1: See ya later.

    Black teen #2: Cheerio, nigga.

    -School, 17th St."

  9. they only got the white ones right?

    hmmm... yeah, it looks like that now. i think they had the black ones up before, but maybe they presold their whole allotment or something.

    also, looks like they have the neckface vans in if anyone is looking for those...

  10. hey bph did your shoes ship yet? im just wondering.

    the tracking page for my order says "no information available" so im assuming they havent shipped... i'll probably email in a few days to check up.

    also, i ordered the size i wear in vans, which is basically like sizing down a half.

  11. stupid variety tonight... started with St Ides High Gravity, moved on to Coors Light, followed by PBR, followed by shots of Knob Creek, followed by more PBR, and getting hit on by Texan sorority girls in a random brooklyn dive.

    needless to say, the night ended with a load of White Castle and an overpriced cab ride home...

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