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Posts posted by sean_

  1. oh damn, next time dude!  


    i was actually there since wednesday (for the DiE gig)... went to all the aftershows at soybomb too.  karaoke party on thursday was hilarious haha.  jose was barely putting up the art stuff the day after on thursday, so i didn't really get to see everything pinned up.  i left the cold world gig after mindset, but i ended up seeing turnstile at the surprise set on sunday before i bounced to the airport.


    i'll probably be back next year.  toronto is too sick 

    you coming back? big lineup again this year

  2. oh damn, next time dude!  


    i was actually there since wednesday (for the DiE gig)... went to all the aftershows at soybomb too.  karaoke party on thursday was hilarious haha.  jose was barely putting up the art stuff the day after on thursday, so i didn't really get to see everything pinned up.  i left the cold world gig after mindset, but i ended up seeing turnstile at the surprise set on sunday before i bounced to the airport.


    i'll probably be back next year.  toronto is too sick 


    haha funny to know i was in the same room as you like 5+ times over the weekend and had no idea. glad you enjoyed toronto and hit me up next time if you need food/bar/whatever recs

  3. NDY was fun


    i actually got into turnstile again.  damn that stupid groovy hc





    you were up here? shoulda said whats up! were you at the cold world/turnstile gig? turnstile was best set i saw at the fest. was only at a few shows, art show tues, die/shit weds, karaoke thurs, worked the d unit (with sam bosson playing second drummer so fuckin sick)/puce mary show fri + afterparty, cold world sat and a bit of the matinee sunday. hectic fest, my man greg really went in this year, after static shock weekend a couple weeks ago and this i'm fuckin punked out until 2015 though

  4. i played like an hour and a bit of watch dogs last night because i couldn't rent a copy of wolfenstein so i got it instead. it's ok, seems kinda... lacklustre, driving isn't nearly as tight as gtav and i haven't found anything that's truly stuck out to me yet. i'll give it some more time though

    walking dead episode 3 is rough as fuck. that's the best game around right now for sure.

  5. at this point, they may as well give up on the pretense of exclusivity and just make like, a billion box logo tees. why not just ramp up production a bit more and blow it out? i'm not saying they need to start farming out to tj maxx or anything but...

  6. i saved the money on this season and finally locked down one of the bill thomas tees. still looking for any of those, the charlie ahearn, etc big photo print tees, l-xl. lemme know

  7. this collection is about wanting to feel young and reverses a five year trend of collections that tried to feel old


    but thinking young and growing older is no sin, eh?

    I appreciate this way of looking at it and it's very true but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of this stuff looks like boy meets world

  8. Menace 2 society in gold and that towel are literally the only hot things in this whole season. Don't appreciate and am not interested in 90s nostalgia or dressing like a 12 year old from 1993

  9. played a shitload of papers please this last week it's one of the best games i've played in a LONG time. perfect amount of puzzle/memory and a compelling story too. so hooked

    i also played gone home and really enjoyed it, especially as someone who came up on exploration basedgames and during the 90s. the grunge refs and the funny riot grrl tapes all over the house and the surprisingly dark uncle story really helped set a mood

    gonna play that amnesia game next

  10. word, i guess context is everything. dedicated was one of the first hardcore albums that got me into hardcore in the first place so it will always have that special place for me.


    anyone in here play/ played in hardcore bands? how did that go? any stories?

    cold world are a sick band

    playing in a band is fun and easy and you'll meet cool people and even if your band is shitty at least you're doing something.

  11. couple legends in this thread shout out tg76 and showbizditc or whatever that fools name was who invented felony cases sufu hasn't forgotten you even if you forgot it homey, no shout out to old grumpy gus with the knuckle tatties tho just smile player

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