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Posts posted by cryptoclastic

  1. As said earlier, I would say that indigo loss would be minimal, but there probably WOULD be some. Just all depends on how many times they've actually been washed. Before I got my first pair of drys I had to wait until I could afford it, so I just wore one pair of a light was American Eagle jeans that fit like crap until I could spend the cash. This was basically for a whole semester, but they did in fact develop some minimal honeycombs, and lines on the legs (not sure the term for that). Same thing for some darker diesels I wore for a while. In short, it's still possible, but nowhere near as effective.

  2. Quote:

    hey ryu, can you show us some updated pictures of the 47 Canes?

    --- Original message by zimzima911 on May 2, 2006 08:45 PM

    And any other pairs of your jeans we may not know about as well! Very interested in all this.

    Also, welcome to SF and thanks for joining us icon_smile.gif

  3. I am looking into getting a pair of the Okinawa's, the 40301s (these http://www.rakuten.co.jp/hinoya/119706/256094/177032/.) Does anybody know anything much about them? They look a bit higher than the 47s, due to the fact that they're a four button fly and not a three. If anyone has them or any experience with them and could enlighten me somewhat about them, I would love you.

    Also, what modern jeans would be similar to them, or any other SugarCanes? I want to try on something similar so that I can be sure I like the straight leg and all that, because my only true adventure into properly fitting/nice denim has been a pair or RRDS and Zathans, so I only have experience with bootcuts right now.

    Edited by cryptoclastic on Apr 10, 2006 at 06:26 PM

  4. Wow...those are beautiful man. Let's add those to the long list of jeans to buy icon_smile_sad.gif I need more money.

    Also, I don't know much about Diors, but a couple questions. First, how much did those cost. Second, are the back pockets really tiny, or is your wallet just really big? It seems gigantic from those pictures.

    Edited by cryptoclastic on Apr 6, 2006 at 05:55 PM

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