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Posts posted by gasmark7

  1. My style...I'm not sure really its not an exact style, its pretty ordinary. At the moment going through a stage of liking tighter fitting tops but kinda more baggy jeans(Evisu,AX)

    I'm kind of new to the more exclusive limited street ware although have known about Bape for ages but not bought anything yet. I really just buy clothes mostly if i see a nice design that looks really good.

    AirJamie: Thank you for all the lists of stores, have printed them off and will take along with me and look about. The AX store is good, those clothes are only sold in US so can't get them here in the UK which is kinda good, but it's real comfy stuff!



  2. Hi,

    I am heading over to Orlando this summer looking to do some good shopping, but i was wondering if anyone knows of good shops around the Disney area? I will be looking around the outlets for some good bargains, but also wanting to get some limited clothes while i'm there. Can anyone help?

    Many Thanks


  3. Can anyone tell me where i can get PnB these days? I saw a really nice pair of jeans with the crown across the back, that i cant find anywhere. Sorry i'm kinda newish to this clothing scene but learning! Oh and hello to everyone...my first posticon_smile_big.gif

    Many Thanks


    Edited by gasmark7 on May 21, 2006 at 05:29 AM

    Edited by gasmark7 on May 21, 2006 at 05:31 AM

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