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Posts posted by VOICE

  1. To be perfectly honest, I live across the country from Denim Design Lab. It says he is from Southern California and I live in Illinois.

    As far as the response goes, I meant no disrespect to anyone on these boards, or even the initial posters. I simply made a point, maybe a little bit too over the top, but a worthy point none the less. I myself do not know a whole lot about denim nor did I claim to in my post. I was simply saying, in short, that people need to respect other's posts and not be so quick to repomd like that. If those two really loved denim, they should have thanked the person at Denim design Lab, not disrespect them. They both obviously have a love for denim, if you didn't like the product don't say anything, if you have something negative to say, fine, but give an explanation. Afterall the person did ask what we thought, so positive or negative it doesn't matter. I just thought the way it wass left was immature and not constructive.

    And as far as being new to the forums, although I have not posted before, I have read these threads before. I have also used Superfuture for traveling to different cities for a couple of years now. So although I meant no disrespect to the Superfuture community, I did not like the response I read and responded, maybe without thinking it enitrely through, but we all know that our responses on the internet are harsher because it is easier to do. Any rate, I do not want any of you to hold this against Denim Design Lab, after all they are the reason I posted here in the first place. I truly have no affiliation to them and hope their product does well.

    I am not a big "forum" person, so chances are I will not be seeing anymore of your responses, so you don't have to waste your time writing to me and letting me know how "lame" I am, thanks


  2. Wow, with a name like "Witts" you think you would have more to say.

    I wouldn't pay attention to these first two guys, after all they don't have much to say and seem to be negative in every post. If you two are reading this, why don't you elaborate, as a consumer, on what would make this kit not "Totally Lame." Are you just bummed that you didnÕt think of this idea first.

    Let me point out too, that we have a person who's occupation is a STUDENT, telling someone who is obviously a PROFESSIONAL in their field that there product is LAME. Tell that to Atrium and Fred Segal, the TOP TWO DENIM RETAILERS IN THE WORLD. You are in retail, you should know. If you actually looked at the press releases they have linked, you would have seen that their book has images and historical insight to the world of denim. So to you clones that can't think for yourselves, keep going through life/school thinking you already have the answers, and that everyone else doesnÕt know shit. Leave changing the world and creating NEW INNOVATIVE ideas to the rest of us while you sit at your fucking computer ALL DAY. How the hell would you know what is cool or lame if you sit in front of your idiot box buying trendy shit on EBAY all day. Get out in the world and open your mind.

    This forum, I am assuming, was created to fuel each others passions and a place to enjoy our common interests. Instead of writing LAME, try and figure out what you could say to help them out, not that YOUR help is of anyone's interest.


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