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Posts posted by lucense

  1. To be honest, I don't like any of them. They're all way, way too loud for my tastes, or just not at all aesthetically pleasing. Although I do like some all-over print things, I don't like these. IMO the patterns are too dense and not interesting enough, and the colors of some of these don't go well together.

    Edited by lucense on Apr 12, 2006 at 05:06 PM

  2. I just use this crappy plastic bong that I bought in the Village for 30 bucks. Yeah, I know I payed too much but what can you do. If you want top of the line, I'd say go with this. The Volcano Vaporizer. 500 bucks. This is quite minimalist, not really slim though.


    The pipes on this site are pretty minimal and pretty inexpensive.


    Edited by lucense on Apr 12, 2006 at 04:08 PM

    EDIT - Sorry for stretching out the page.

    Edited by lucense on Apr 12, 2006 at 04:13 PM

  3. Quote: And for all of you who are saying you wouldn't hit it, let me offer you about 3 beers and some bar lighting, and I will see you in the health center.

    Haha, Proletariot's definitely right

    I'd hit it, even though that girl's been around the block and back like 12 times. That's a good strategy, though, get a stripper to pose for it, since they probably get so many more hits for that page.

    Edited by lucense on Apr 7, 2006 at 03:56 PM

    Edited by lucense on Apr 7, 2006 at 04:02 PM

  4. You don't look like a "superstar", you look like a tool. Anybody who pays 400 dollars for a hoodie is a tool. You probably coulda fed like 20 families in Africa for a year with 400 dollars. Instead, you bought some fugly orange, purple and blue hoodie advertising how big of a retard you are. Congrats. icon_smile_cool.gif

    Edited by lucense on Apr 3, 2006 at 02:08 PM

  5. Quote:

    also what type of clothes should one pack for providence?

    ummm....normal clothes? the past couple of days it's been about 63 and sunny.

    Edited by lucense on Mar 30, 2006 at 10:52 PM

  6. I think its a pretty cool town for its size. nice, historic, pretty intact downtown with some cool little shops, and federal hill, thayer street and the rest of the east side are pretty lively places.

    @ OP - It has a new American Apparel downtown somewhere. Other than that, I haven't really seen that many stores aside from the typical ones in the Providence Place mall, but I wasn't exactly looking.

    Edited by lucense on Mar 30, 2006 at 09:17 PM

  7. Some De La Soul always makes me feel like the summer. This is Me by Common also has a really summery beat. I'll update this with a better list later.

    Edited by lucense on Mar 29, 2006 at 10:03 AM

    Edited by lucense on Mar 29, 2006 at 10:15 AM

  8. Yeah, look into Levi's. If you're looking for cheap jeans, don't buy jeans from American Eagle. They have the least durable jeans I've ever bought, not to mention the ugliest. Such crap. Other than that, the cheap jeans I have are from thrift stores and H&M. With H&M, sometimes the clothes are poor quality, but from my experience the jeans seem durable and are fairly cheap.

    Edited by lucense on Mar 27, 2006 at 12:03 PM

  9. Filene's is having a 60-80% sale on the whole store, ending today I think. They some stuff left, including a considerable amount of men's denim. I got some nice Mavi jeans for 35 dollars. The basement's having a 40-80% sale, too.

  10. sorry about that, then, red. it sounded kind of homophobic, but i guess i misunderstood.

    where can i get an all-over pattern hoodie in boston? haven't seen them around.

    Edited by lucense on Mar 13, 2006 at 12:26 PM

  11. you know what, forget "streetwear". i mentioned streetwear because i thought that this forum was just about streetwear (can't blame a new member for thinking that based on the sheer amount of streetwear topics). i just kind of wear whatever, so don't restrict it to streetwear. any cool stores in general that i should check out? doesn't even have to be clothing. how about union at tremont and berkeley? how is that? i've heard good things, but haven't checked it out.

    Edited by lucense on Mar 1, 2006 at 09:09 PM

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