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Posts posted by thirteengrand

  1. Can someone explain the allure of Lady Gaga to me? I don't really get why beezies are all into her.

    read the recent hro list, it includes a description that i think is pretty spot-on

    thought: is there a correlation between an individual's jungian personality type (introverted / extroverted) and their enjoyment of "the stranger" / willingness to tolerate its tone and relative lack of minor characters?

  2. broke the joint on my 3 foot german yellow label beaker

    not sure whether i want to ship it to dementia or try to find a semi-local blower to redo the joint

    i'm afraid of having the local blow a wobbly joint, and i'm afraid of mailing my baby

    there's no way to win

  3. winter classic today was great.

    what does everyone think of the USA team? I think they might have the best shutdown defense of all the countries.

    unbelievable, what a great game

    anyone else watch juniors this year? canada was real hot going in

    felt bad for those eastern europe countries

  4. I do enjoy the Good Looking stuff, but I also love the original ragga style tracks like this, classic material:

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKGqWaflbgE&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKGqWaflbgE&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    this owns (ps i like good looking too)

  5. it's wankery to generalise hyperdub's discog asambient garage


    I also don't see why there's such compulsion for the categorisation of music, the best stuff is often an amalgamation of various influences (it seems to me anyway). if eventually an offshoot from under the dubstep/bro/wonky/funky umbrella veers into completely unrecognisable/new territory - then good! I look forward to it.

    agreed, that's why it was in quotes bro.

    and while i personally agree with your second point, it's immaterial - there clearly is such a compulsion for categorization. music creates communities of listeners based on some degree of shared aesthetics and philosophy, and artists working within those communities often share the same audience.

    when there's an aesthetic and philosophical divide as deep as the one developing in dubstep, it's destructive to that community - particularly if one starts to overpower the other and dominates the "genre brand".

    here's a direct parallel: the development of jump-up dnb earlier this decade, which completely overwhelmed and nearly killed the dnb "scene". dnb still isn't fully recovered, and it's going to be afflicted by the stigma of "car commercial / videogame music" for an indefinite future.

    i'd hate for dubstep to become "wobble bass music that girls don't dance to" in 5 years time.

  6. They do, or maybe they are making an exception for me (which I doubt)




    if your order's really large enough you should be able to haggle for the 5%

    just turned 21 a few weeks ago and i want to start hitting up bassic / elements / subliminal sounds / etc. but none of my friends are of age, anyone down?

  7. that interview was good. i try not to read too much into the hype words but zomby really is 'post-internet'

    oh and its added evidence to the case of him being a regular on sufu

    if he's reading this he should do a q&a for us

    q: when do you think the dubstep tent is gonna collapse

    because while my favorite thing about dubstep is the incredibly forward-thinking community it's created (it's like moore's law applied to a music scene) there's definitely a limited amount of time the continually diverging subgenres can remain cohesive

    seems like there's four main pillars these days:

    - brostep (www.brostepforum.com)

    - deep dubstep

    - ragga dubstep

    - whatever what hyperdub puts out is called (zomby goes here)

    trying to classify the almost "ambient garage" of hyperdub with the wobble bass bros is an exercise in futility that can only be kept up for so long

  8. I got sucked into buying some Harpoon Cider the other day, and surprisingly, I really enjoyed it. I remember drinking Woodchuck circa 10th grade, and it being really sweet. Are there any others worth picking?

    no specific recommendations but seems like ciders in general are starting to become a bit more popular

  9. working full time while acin' 16 creds a semester of sci gen eds and the first two years of a math degree, then hopefully transferring to a neurosci program somewhere (amherst or jhu, if everything works out) to do a double major in neurosci / math

    otherwise, umass amherst for either chem / math or physics / math

    and someday, this:


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