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gomi no sensei

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Posts posted by gomi no sensei

  1. Quote:

    I really wouldn't think too hard about it. You'll end up either a raving lunatic or a sociology professor. I'm not sure which is worse.

    --- Original message by gomi no sensei on Feb 19, 2006 11:07 PM

    Yeah, don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Nothin to worry about. Just keep on consuming. Don't worry about the cultural tourism. I mean if gwen stefani can pay asian folk to follow her around then she isn't really exploiting them cuz she pays well... right? White folks have always made money off of other cultures and left them in the dust for the next fashion trend. Dating black men was so last year.

    --- Original message by rnrswitch on Feb 20, 2006 10:15 PM

    We're not talking about child labor or slavery here, just a trend in fashion. I mean, were 70's-era punks exploiting nazis by stealing nazi imagery? Are the japanese exploiting cowboys because american western clothing is so popular there? I don't see how this is A) a uniquely white phenomenom, and B) how it's hurting the source culture. We're not talking about caricaturing of a culture here, just borrowed motifs, and it's been going on for thousands of years.

    Save the moral high ground for something that actually matters.

  2. Quote:

    dont forget the uggs

    --- Original message by herpsky on Feb 17, 2006 07:03 PM

    oh jesus, don't even get me started. The uggs were bad, but now girls are wearing these crazy caveman boots that look like a couple of stuffed maltese hounds, or suede boots with fake fur trim and furry pom-poms hanging off the top. Furry pom-poms! Who the hell thought that was a good idea?
  3. You'd need to set up escrow and whatnot for larger purchases... Also, I don't know about anyone else, but I probably wouldn't do this much work unless I was getting some sort of kickback. It seems like kind of a headache, and it's already pretty easy to get things from (Japan, NYC, LA, Canada, etc.) informally with PMs.

    It just seems like trying to set up something ebay-esque here is asking for trouble, and probably a whole lot of work the superfuture-folk don't really want to do.

  4. I'm thinking about picking up a pair of the overdyed black new standards or narrows soon (going to the NYC store to check the fits out)... Anyone know how these fade?

    I'm hoping since they're overdyed the blue will start to show through the black with wear...

  5. What's your markup going to be? If say, you only have to sell 250 or 300 of them to make your money back, it might be worth it.

    If you have the cash, I say go for it. If you don't you'll be kicking yourself for not doing something you really want to do. And hell, you'll always have the lawyer gig to fall back on, it's not like you're going to be ruined if this flops with your education.

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