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Posts posted by THE LUMINOUS ONE

  1. the website for zoltar launch will be early next year with hats tees etc etc....around febuary if you go to thier site and put in your details they update on whats happening...i have also heard that the Full collection(not online) is to be launched in italy around the 18th of jan....so keep em peeled ps say hi to barnzley......

  2. impatientce is a virtue....HOMEBOYS zzzzzzzz. If you look closely the TEE ,a canvas for thought and expression it relates to the paul mcarthy exhibition, the quote

    "launched into hyperspace in a kind of postmodern apocalypse. The airless atmosphere has asphyxiated the referent, leaving us satellites in aimless orbit around an empty center. We breathe an ether of floating images that no longer bear a relation to any reality whatsoever!"

    a canvas! not a unit moving, money loving, logo toting no brainer.......

  3. Ive been reading a lot of stuff on these forums about ZOLTAR, and where to find it and whats it all about,well ive just seen some tees in an art gallery for sale and a micheal lau customised toy and also i here the zoltar crew have done a piece for the 'zarjaz' 2000ad exhibition.....these guys are hard at it..evreyone talks about "house industries" and house 33 these guys are good , BUT zoltar is still functioning with the original crew, ive also had news straight from the high command that a new collection comes out next year!?!? ive seen bits and bobs and they retain there true style.

    ps look out for the website in spring

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