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Posts posted by manis

  1. Alright, I will not pursue a Wild Swans wallet. You are right about the 40 bucks. It's worth the extra, trusting Chiba's word. After all he's a salesman, he could just be manipulating...

    Ah well, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.

    So then there's the dilemma LC Flicker II versus LC Wings.

    Do Last Crops have a website? I was looking for half an hour today and thought I was a complete retard not being able to find it so I called it quits. Somebody rescue me.

  2. The Wings is pretty much a standard billfold with 6 card slots and is thinner than the Flicker ll. On the Flicker ll, there are 8 slots, and the way the card slot panel is attached to the wallet is unlike anything I've seen--they're attached in the middle so it appears as though they're floating. I know it sounds weird.

    Someone here said that they're made with different leather, though I don't know that for sure. They're are probably some other differences as well that I forgot to mention, but main thing is: Flicker ll=thick, Wings=thin. And there are pictures floating around of both...

    Thanks for your help Chponglasia. I've seen both models on the Albuquerque 88 website. A friend of mine is in Tokyo next week and he wants to bring me a wallet from their shop. I'm thinking about a natural tan bifold. Last Crops might be the way to go. The Flicker II is almost twice as expensive, so I hesitate to choose that one over the Wings. They are only 24.000 yen or so.

    I've read here on SuFu that Chiba from Albuquerque 88 said that he prefers the Last Crops over the Wild Swans due to better quality. Can anyone confirm this? Their Wings are even cheaper at 19.000 yen..

    I reckon it's difficult to find someone who owns/owned both? Well, you never know....

  3. Thanks. I had a friend get it for me in Tokyo at Albuquerque, which is the only place I know of that sells Last Crops (online at least). http://goodleather.co.jp/

    It cost about $350 US. Steep yeah, but so worth it. This thing is amazing - such soft yet thick leather and military-grade stitching. I can't wait to see how it ages. I'll post pics as it does.

    What's the difference between the LC Flicker II and the LC Wings, except the price tag?

  4. Being a student, I'm looking for quality on a budget.. I was looking for a quality jeans that 1) looked good 2) had a good fit 3) could take a lot of abuse 4) would not be too expensive in the long run...

    I'm the kind of guy that doesn't want to bother to much with "uhmm.. hmm.. what pants shall i wear today?", so when i discovered the website of nudie jeans the 6-months-no-wash-advice there seemed like my kind of ball game.

    When I went to a store to pick up a pair I discovered a brand called Atelier Ladurance and I was convinced about the construction and quality of these jeans even more than the nudie jeans they had in stock (rrds, rrdg and some other dry).. So I bought a pair.. Later that year I bought Nudie RRDS as well and these are the only pairs of jeans/pants i'm wearing..

    I don't have to think in the morning what i will wear today, it's stylish, they can take a massive beating.. I don't have to buy 10 pairs a year like my friends, just to be cool.. I love premium denim. I love the way they evolve over time and I love how they remind my how patience is a virtue...

    Denim greetings,


    The Netherlands


  5. I'm not from Sweden, but from The Netherlands, which is pretty close cuz europe's not that big.. Guess the prices don't really differ that much.. RRDS will set you back about $180 around here normally. I bought mine when there was a sale and I paid $120.

    The RRDS are nice pants, but I wouldn't pay $265 for them. I'd rather go for a pair of sugarcane's if i'm dropping that kind of cash..

    EDIT: Non-selvage dry's can go for as little as $120 normal price and below $100 on sale, which happens regularly. If you want special washes n shit you pay more, sometimes up to $180-190...

    Lots of stores (bigger chains) in NL have stopped stocking Nudie's as there isn't enough interest for them. Only Men At Work and some specialized stores (smaller retailers) sell them now..


    Edited by manis on Mar 30, 2006 at 12:18 PM

  6. I'm far from designer stuff and lots of things people seem to wear around here. The clothes I feel most comfortable in are 70s-80s vintage tees, quality denim (rocking the same pants for one year in a row), simple sneakers (only have one pair). I like plain and simple.


  7. The Lee posted here doesn't have to necessarily correspond to big E era jackets. Is there a size written on the tag in the neck? If so, it's pre-1971, if not, it can be a late 70's, as they stopped printing the size on the tags in 1971. In the 80's they used Gold lettered tags instead of the traditional yellow.




  8. @crownzip.. That's a pretty nice result on the 47's there, as far as fading is concerned. Legs seems to have twisted like mad though. Or is it just because you didn't lay them flat properly before taking the pic?

    I would have to agree the 55 is a nice model as well, I used to have a pair but they were to small.

    And to stay totally ontopic: I would suggest buying from aeroleather as well.. Their pricing seems reasonable and they have a good stock.


  9. Hey docdoom.

    They are special indeed. I'm selling just because I'm not going to wear them anytime soon. The Atelier Ladurance royal pants I'm breaking in now will be enough for 2006 and I'm not one of those guys who just likes to have pants sitting in a closet. These puppies need to be worn till they scream for mercy! And then wear em some more. :D

    I measured 9.4" leg openings. The waist size is a true 34".

    Hope this helps.


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