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Bori Mischief

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Posts posted by Bori Mischief

  1. Quote:

    If your small enough like me and get them in kid sizes then its half that haha well I get them even cheaper with wholesale prices, but I don't have any blank ones at the moment or else I would help you out. Maybe try another Wal-Mart different ones sometimes have more things or just buy the closest thing to a jerzees sweatshirt.

    --- Original message by Bori Mischief on Oct 27, 2005 03:05 AM

    Interesting...if you don't mind, could you post up your height and weight?

    Edited by Dangydang on Oct 27, 2005 at 03:42 AM

    --- Original message by Dangydang on Oct 27, 2005 03:38 AM


    Height: 5 11

    Weight 165

  2. If your small enough like me and get them in kid sizes then its half that haha well I get them even cheaper with wholesale prices, but I don't have any blank ones at the moment or else I would help you out. Maybe try another Wal-Mart different ones sometimes have more things or just buy the closest thing to a jerzees sweatshirt.

  3. You silly pants I was just interested to see what others are using for sources. I've been taught through out life that it is better to help people out instead of act like a wanker to a person with some simple questions. I have helped many with things that I was more knowledgable of then them and lots have done the same for me. I would happily take everyones advice if it wasn't put out in an asshole manner.

    Those who have put in some positive input in this thread are awesome and are probably doing a lot better in the "industry" then those of you who have been complete arses.

    I am doing fine in every aspect of my company and I hope that you all are also. icon_smile.gif

  4. My Pal the Crook...

    When you find someone that will do swaps on really small orders you point them my way because no company unless you have a special relationship with them would do many favors for small orders. Its funny when people talk shit about other people without knowing what the other person has been doing. Dont you wankers have something better to do then talk shit on message boards.

  5. Songangel you know nothing about me or my company.

    I actually don't do film I make music videos for bands.

    My company doesn't have the words: stolen, skateboard or fashion in it.

    I have been doing fashion for the past 6 years also crafting clothing. I have finally saved up enough money and made the right connections to start something good and I am proud of it.

    You can come on a message board and talk all the shit you want it has no effect especially when you don't have the knowledge of what you are talking about. My Myspace profile lists nothing about the company I am starting. In about a month I'll link you to my company website and then you can talk all the shit you want I good or bad critisism is always good to hear to know what to improve or what to keep the same.

    Thank you.

    I hope your company is a success.

  6. Thanks for taking the time to respond numerous times to my thread.

    My clothing co. will be dropping around mid December. I'll keep you posted on the website once its done being built. If you don't feel like going to the site just keep your eyes posted on Mtv... wink wink.

    I have done all of my own legwork just wondered what others were doing.

    Also thanks for taking the time to post a 4 year old picture of me its super flattering that someone would waste time in their day to do that. You are now a true friend.

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