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Posts posted by Toronthoe

  1. Quote:

    yo torntoe who stole the jam outta your donut? the am90 is a shoe blockhead! and sorry if i dont meet the criteria of your pedophile ring but i'm not 15 i'm 27......

    --- Original message by all_sold_out on Apr 2, 2006 05:57 PM

    Hey nimrod do show us an Atmos am90!
  2. Quote:

    that shit is a blantant ripoff of recons hoodie.

    --- Original message by ramoer on Apr 1, 2006 11:46 AM

    how about J$ as well. Wow i've never seen a sadder attempt at trying to hop trends! lets see, all-over prints, full zip hoodies, full-zip all over print hoodies, Stones tongue, elephant print, check, check and check. I think the saddest part is that all of this is for FALL 06! haha Fall '06! If you're going to rip off something that WAS hyped, don't wait 6 months after the fact to put your bootleg version of it on the streets. Let me guess, hebrew all-over print hoodies and temple effectivsSTAs for what spring of '07? hahaha
  3. hey my NDG comment got your panties in a bunch, no? But actually I much enjoy my meaningless posts with half witted insults than your bitter ramblings from a life not turned out how one had hoped.

    Edited by Toronthoe on Mar 31, 2006 at 12:15 PM

  4. Quote:

    Not to get off topic, but when I was in Japan last week it really fucking pissed me off to see such a clean/graff-free country with the only tags being by all the so-called "artists" that "streetwear" kids look up to these days.....why the fuck would you bomb "Neckface" on a bridge in someone elses country when clearly they make such an effort to keep it clean? I have no problem with you fucking up the shitholes that are downtown LA and NY, but for god's sake, leave your shitty art in your own country.......graffiti is so fucking overrated.

    Edited by englandmj7 on Mar 31, 2006 at 11:08 AM

    --- Original message by englandmj7 on Mar 31, 2006 11:06 AM

    Damn You're one bitter putz
  5. Quote:

    All looks pretty mediocre to me......

    --- Original message by englandmj7 on Mar 29, 2006 11:25 AM

    Let me guess, you're a frustrated bedroom designer who gets pissy at anyone getting shine that isn't you correct? I dig it.
  6. Quote:

    Is it just me, or is everyone superbored with pop iconery. I don't think I would ever wear a shirt with someones face on it, unless it was a collage of realtor headshots that were mutilated or something.

    --- Original message by Serge d Nimes on Mar 29, 2006 12:43 AM

    It's just you jeans genie
  7. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news cuz phila could sure use some spots but what you basically wanna do is already in the works, dropping soon and from what I hear by people with mad connects to last for days. Plus Nike doesn't just give out tier 0 accounts, nike doesn't even just give out urban or GR accounts to those who want them.

  8. Milspex, you're a putz. I can't believe anyone out there takes the bullshit that is spit out from TET seriously. But here you go, living proof! Hey homie regardless of what he says, he's in this game to make money and guess what? TET is making money out of fanboys like you. This is clothing homie, all your idols out there are laughing at you behind your back at how serious y'all take fabric. Look fly, but get some perspective bro.

    Straight money: Forget having zero connects. If you can't figure out how these stores make money and stay afloat with what they sell then you're not ready to even dream about opening a shop. Figure it out first and THEN take some baby steps. And don't let fanboys like Milspex raz you.

  9. Quote:

    Yeah I guess its a Japanese thing. Outdoors gear has been fashionable here for ages. Patagonia jackets, gramicci climbing pants, those climbing pouches someone on here was talking about, Nike ACG sneakers all had big followings at one point or another. W)Taps did a similar pair of boots to the visvims 4 or 5 years ago.

    Timberlands are hiking boots too right? how long have hip hop kids (worldwide) been rocking those?

    --- Original message by MilSpex on Jan 12, 2006 11:12 PM

    since the early 90s
  10. Quote:






    this stuff is like all those lame brands a shop like stackhouse, or even the lame ones in union nyc.

    you can buy photoshop and illustrator, but that won't give you nice desigtns

    --- Original message by dontcaretoomuchforcrap on Dec 20, 2005 07:24 PM

    Oh word son, so when's your line dropping? I think we're all dying to check those photoshop skillz you've been trying to master! Then maybe you can be down with it, then hate it and then act like you always knew. you realize there's a search button right chump? Don't act like you know when your entire education come from here.
  11. Quote:

    impatientce is a virtue....HOMEBOYS zzzzzzzz. If you look closely the TEE ,a canvas for thought and expression it relates to the paul mcarthy exhibition, the quote

    "launched into hyperspace in a kind of postmodern apocalypse. The airless atmosphere has asphyxiated the referent, leaving us satellites in aimless orbit around an empty center. We breathe an ether of floating images that no longer bear a relation to any reality whatsoever!"

    a canvas! not a unit moving, money loving, logo toting no brainer.......

    --- Original message by THE LUMINOUS ONE on Dec 6, 2005 02:07 PM

    Good god you're one annoyingly pompous ponce.
  12. Quote:

    Use X-socks they have a footbed stitched with real silver

    which counteracts the stink and they won't be crunchy

    after a days use. I sell their ski sock and they are also

    the warmest I've ever tried. made in Italy.

    $45.00US but worth every penny.

    --- Original message by Pancho on Dec 5, 2005 02:07 PM

    Leave it to superfuture to recommend a $45 pair of socks as the solution to foot odor.

    Try putting baby powder on your feet before you go out and put baking soda in your shoes when you take them off.

    Edited by Toronthoe on Dec 5, 2005 at 02:42 PM

  13. You fucking think shit's lame? Then fucking make an interesting thread instead of posting "zzzzzzz" and adding to the malaise you're complaining about you asshole.

    Edited by Toronthoe on Oct 27, 2005 at 10:21 AM

  14. Quote:

    Toronthoe your a hater simple as that every one of your 8 posts are crap

    why are you coming down on everything and everyone?

    feedback is one thing but your just bitter and no help to anyone.

    I'm sure you have some snide remark to this but you can take

    your nineteen year-old ass somewhere else.

    I'm sure I am not alone on this.

    --- Original message by Pancho on Oct 24, 2005 10:32 AM

    Why is calling a spade a spade, hating on something? All i'm doing is speaking the truth, Deal with it.

    oh and at 19 I knew better not to confuse your with you're. How are you doing with that one at what, 26?

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