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Posts posted by adamc

  1. Here's a D&G wallet chain I found the other day while Christmas shopping. It was on sale for $375 CDN, reduced from $575:


    I liked the clasp mechanism, but the chain was too big for me (I don't really wear wallet chains)


  2. does anyone elses safari crash randomly and send you back to the home menu sometimes?

    yeah, was crashing all the time for me yesterday, like every 2 minutes.. I restarted the phone (held down the sleep button until it gives you the restart option) and it works fine now.. Must be a memory leak or something. Maybe the new firmware fixes it? I'll never know, since I can't upgrade my unlocked phone!

  3. went to Lileo, picked up a bunch of Nice Collective stuff.. Pretty much everything in the store was 50% off (except for Revolve and Worn Free stuff).. went to holts, picked up a trovata shirt, the discount wasn't really that great, better than nothing though.. They had cloak stuff for 50% off, same as TNT Blu, but none of it fit me. overall I got some pretty good deals and I'm happy with what I got. Unfortunately I've pretty much depleted my entire clothing budget for the year ;)

    did anyone pick up anything decent from delphic? I meant to go there but amidst the chaos of boxing day, it totally slipped my mind..

  4. I just picked this wallet up yesterday at Nom De Guerre.. Very nice wallet, my first with a chain, and I actually like the size of it, it looks different than most of the other wallets I've seen. Even though it's larger than my previous wallet, I have no problem fitting it into the front pocket of all of my jeans. I like the fact it has a change purse as well, it's been difficult finding a good looking wallet with a change purse, and I hate carrying around loose change in my pocket, which is what most of my other friends do..

    The only downside to the wallet is that the chain is not detachable from the change purse, so if you don't want to use the chain, you have to remove the change purse as well (which is attached to the wallet with small buttons).

    I paid $139 for it..

  5. Going to NY this weekend, just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for good clubs, parties, etc to check out.. I've heard there's a Rub party on Saturday, but that ends at 11:30.. Stuff I'm looking for: soul, jazz, funk, african, latin, brasilian, disco, house, hip hop, electro, etc.. Not really into punk, indie rock, emo or any of that kinda stuff, if that helps narrow it down.. Thanks!


  6. coming from someone who rides....take my advice: buy "proper" gear, not a fashion motorcycle jacket.

    loads of european companies make stuff that would likely fit you properly (try spidi, dainese, etc).

    I'll try the Dainese jackets, but like I said, I'm not going to be buying one of these "fashion" jackets, just having someone custom make a jacket in a similar style. The jacket will still be motorcycle specific and have all the necessary armor and padding, I just want to be able to give the person making the jacket an idea of what kind of style I want, since there's no reason I can't get the jacket to look half decent, especially if I'm having it specially made.

  7. Vanson jackets are cool, but they are really short at the waist. If you're tall, then they're not gonna work. I've been riding for about 5 years, and I only wear Dainese. The leather is rugged as hell, the jackets stand up to rain, and they're cut long without being boxy. I've got a "Tribal" jacket which is nearlyl all black, and it does me well. Comes with shoulder armour and a thermal liner as well.

    Their stuff is expensive at retail, so I would suggest finding out your size and cruising Ebay for a lightly used model. One will come up sooner or later - and you'll get it for less than half price. I paid about $200 for a jacket that's $600 new.

    I haven't actually tried on any Dainese stuff, but everyone who owns their gear seems to swear by it.. They've got some really nice looking stuff on their website, but when I asked about jacket recommendations for a tall rider on a motorcycle site, Dainese was never mentioned, so I never really looked into it. I'll be sure to check it out now, thanks for the suggestion.


  8. alright, anyone have any idea who else makes a jacket that looks like the following:


    it looks really similar to the cafe racer jacket on the aero leather clothing website, but not as shiny.. Just trying to get some more ideas, or names of other companies/designers that make good quality jackets that look like this, since this is the style I'm going to get custom made, I'd just like to get some more pictures to help out the guy making the jacket. Thanks,


    edit: fixed broken image link

  9. the Wings & Horns leather jacket was made by Lewis Leather, so it'd probably be good for riding.

    you mentioned this would be a riding jacket -- shouldn't you be more concerned about functionality (as opposed to fashion)?

    yeah, of course functionality is number one, but like I said, if I'm getting it custom made, why not have it styled based on something that looks good? I don't necessarily have to sacrifice function for the sake of fashion.. The jacket is gonna be made by someone who specializes in making riding specific gear, so it's going to have all the necessary padding and armour.

    I just need some pictures or suggestions of other jackets so I can give this guy something to work from. I'm not gonna go with something that's obviously only a fashion jacket and can't possibly be made into something functional.. Of course certain things will have to be sacrificed for the sake of safety, but at the same time, I'm sure I can get something that's both safe and looks better than the standard cookie cutter style that they provide if you don't give them a specific look. Thanks,


  10. yeah I got a denim jacket, but need something more heavy duty than denim.. leather protects much better when you're sliding on the ground.. and the custom jacket I'm gonna have made will have padding/armour inside it as well, which helps.

    if you remember the site with the biker jackets, hit me up.. thanks


  11. so I need a new motorcycle jacket (one that will actually be used for riding), but unfortunately nothing I can find fits me (tall and skinny). So I've gotta get something custom made..

    Just wondering if anyone has any pics or suggestions of nice motorcycle jackets, something I can use as a template or to base an idea on for the person who's going to be custom making it. I figured I'd ask here, cause if I'm gonna be paying to have a jacket custom made, I might as well get something that looks good and can be worn when not on the bike (and without all the flashy logos of course)

    I remember seeing a Wings and Horns motorcycle jacket a few months back, but didn't pick it up.. I doubt it would've really been much good as an actual biking jacket, but it looked pretty nice.. I can't find a picture of it anywhere though.. So if anyone's got a picture of this jacket, or any other nice looking jackets, please send them my way.. Thanks,


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