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Posts posted by thephysics

  1. Quote: Quote:

    Not to be a dick, but anyone know any slightly larger (ankle)? I've been looking foverver for some dry denim slightly bigger in the ankle than my 501's but also with a length of 35 or bigger.

    --- Original message by thephysics on Nov 3, 2005 08:28 PM

    whats the point of that? they jean would go under and around your shoe.

    I'm tall and got big feet, I need to reduce the clown effect yo.

  2. I just wanted to introduce myself and then ask a few questions. Im from the U.S. (midwest), and have been browsing the site for several weeks before i decided to join. Secondly, I have a few questions regarding APC denim. I'm curently "breaking in" a pair of levis STF 35x36. I'm interested in a pair of English Style APC since they seem wider in the ankle.

    I gather that a 33 waist will probably work for me, but the page desen't mention the inseam?

    Secondly, is the ankle of the english going to be bigger than my 501's

    any help would be appreciated.

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