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Posts posted by thehardtobeatartist

  1. I may be collaborating with Voyage on a project. I know they were a hot label a while ago and I have met with the owners, who still have a passion and understanding for how couture should be.

    Just wondered what you guys thought of the brand?



  2. I am happy to reply to posts about my original question but can't see the point in going over the same subject over and over again when you don't even read what I am saying.

    I also have not seen any other posts regarding the lawsuit, so please point them out so I can see some useful contributions on the subject.

    As far as the anti British anti-American posts, yet again you didn't read that it was about the icon of FLAGS not COUNTRIES. Of course, you asked someone for a fight at the end of that post too. Smart.

    Talking of smart, I am not sure exactly what you are saying 6MT but your power of logic seems to be on the same level as your English. Of course, it is nice for England to have a supporter but I don't think you are doing his cause much good.

    Anyway you are right, I am not really bothered contributing again to this - and I mean it this time!

    Like the last post says "nevermind"


  3. Er, no.

    Not sure what your sentence meant exactly but I think you were trying England's "argument by incorrect tortuous extrapolation logic" technique, only very badly.

    I said that anyone who even bothered Dominick's friends were fuckwits. That doesn't therefore include anyone else on the planet that is/is not friendly/associated with him.

    This is getting painful.

    I am not explaining myself again. I have other things to do. Anything.


  4. England,

    If you don't actualy read anything, this is going to go nowhere.

    The usual protocol is that you read what I write and then comment on it, rather than you telling me what you think I am saying and then arguing with me about that. Saying "fuck you" in a debating society doesn't mean you win.

    I did not say Mr DeLuca had anything to do with this case at all.

    I never ranted about Dominick DeLuca. Ranting means that I complained or objected, which was clearly not the case. I was actualy complimenting him.

    I pointed out in the first instance, then reiterated it in plainer language just for you, that the impression I got was that Mr DeLuca is a good individual and so anyone who he chooses to associate with is probably good by association. You seem to be the exception that proves the rule here. Thank you.


    BTW I do not personally know or work for any of the parties involved in this thread.

  5. "Anyone disturbing the peace of even friends of Dominick DeLuca is a fuckwit."

    In English, this translates as:

    Any person not just bothering Dominick DeLuca but any of his friends or associates, is rather stupid.

    Fresh Jive, according to their website "..helped our freind Dominick open his second Brooklyn Projects in Echo Park."

    Maybe the word "fuckwit" is where you slip up. If so, try Googling to a site like this


    So, although I am not familiar nor do I associate with any of the parties involved, I admire Dominick DeLuca highly enough to be concerned that one of his associates or friends is being forced into litigation. In my view, people who are decent and creative individuals are usualy wise enough to associate with like minded people and so attacks on those third parties is an attack on another decent and creative entity. That is objectionable.

    I was however interested really in what the forum contributors thought about the litigation, rather than waste site space on yet another tiresome semantic or linguistic handbagging from EnglandMJ7.


  6. So what is your take on Stussy taking out a lawsuit on Fresh Jive for the parody of their logo (among others)?

    Anyone disturbing the peace of even friends of Dominick DeLuca is a fuckwit.

    On one hand I admire their pisstake but you guys should also know that logo's aint for tweakin' without hearing some lawyer squeekin'. Of course, swipe what else you can and the bat-phone will stay quiet.


  7. You guys are funny.

    The shirt will probably be seen at G7 meets across the globe and the guy is already well used to getting his balls busted by riot police. Provocation is his preoccupation - and a bit more so than showing a gun in the hand of Lady liberty.


  8. Hey artificialsky,

    I just painted this for a politicaly active friend of mine and it reminded me of and your right arm.

    US flag with the Quran and crescent instead of stars. "Guaranteed British" above

    UK flag elongated to make a crucifix with Arabic and Hebrew script white intersections. "Pure American" above.

    Edges of the shirt burnt.

    So this is about the iconography of flags [mod edit= flamebait], as already done by Jasper Johns. References to patriotism, imperialism, revolutionaries/insugents, religion.

    But maybe I just copied a UK and US flag.

    Just like the one on your arm.




    Edited by haptronic on May 15, 2006 at 01:40 PM

  9. Koreans, Chinese, or the guy down the street with a t-shirt press. It is all the same. Marc Jacobs copying other people's work directly is exactly the same as the LV handbags on Canal Street, NY. Funny thing is, Jacobs objects to one and sees the other as part of 'the business'.

    Anyway, I lost the argument and I apparently have to go and suck someone called Richard


  10. Oh, and Artificialsky, at least be consistent.

    This is your sage advice to someone doing the bullet jewellery:

    posted: May 8, 2006 02:34 PM msg. 2 of 12

    why rip-off a brand that is already wack as fuck?

    do your own thing.

  11. You guys make me laugh.

    So it is alright to rip off people's designs is it? Big, small or whatever, people who steal ideas are no brainers who do nothing except make it harder for innovation to succeed. You would all be wearing white tees with a packet of cigs under your sleeve and thinking it was cool without peoplee coming up wit ideas - good or bad.

    There is inspiration, there are trends and then there is stealing ideas. Why don't these guys just give up pretending and just sell the same old fake shit and pirate software on eBay with their brothers. They aren't different and if any of you guys are in the business and think it is OK to rip designs off, you are creative bankrupts.

    This forum exchanges ideas. People here help each other design, manufacture or source interesting clothing. You get thieves here and their defenders, then people are not going to keep giving out info such as screen printing sizes etc when they know copyists and their supporters are lurking.

    Give respect and get respected.


  12. I am 100 one off shirts for Earth Wind & Fire's 35th anniversary (most of you will have never heard of them I presume) and want to attach a numbered tag using a rivet, such as in jeans.

    Any ideas where I can get a rivet tool and rivets? I was thinking of trawling round the NY garment district but if anyone has any advice or can save me some legwork I would appreciate it.


  13. Use housepaint.

    Gloss or emulsion both cover anything but make sure it is water based. It doesn't need curing and won't come off - ever.

    Remember when you once got a smudge of housepaint on your trousers and you had to trash them? You don't need fancy ink. Paint is even non-toxic when dry and comes in any color.

    Once again, housepaint.


  14. A photographer, writer, musician, artist, in fact most of the creative media (except fashion and architecture) have their creations legaly protected against copying. Fashion designers do not sue because they can't.

    The reason why your second paragraph is true is simply because there is little real protection to designers. Marc Jacobs admitted to copying work from another catwalk for 2 years running and both he and the person copied see it as just part of the business.

    Fashion has a rule which says that so long as 20% of a garment and its design is changed, then that is fair to copy. They call it "inspiration". Changing the 20% can be weight or shade of fabric, v or round neck - basicaly simple things.

    You are right in that you cannot copy a logo - that is a different matter and is the way that Prada, Rolex and all those other brands sue fakers. That is also the reason why fakers never get sued for selling Bolex watches or Praba bags or backwards lacoste crocodiles.

    Art is just about reactions. I don't expect you to necessarily like my work but what this has shown is that you can learned something as a result of your reaction to it. That has got to be a good thing? Christo did the orange gates in Central park because he wanted to and paid for it himself. The fact that people talked about his art in any way rather than the superbowl or the weather is cool.


  15. Thanks for the tip haptronic.

    In terms of the message etc, the idea is not necessarily that this piece is art but it is trying to say something about why there is no protection for art which is reproduced on clothing rather than in other media. For a more detailed background to this, check out my post under the "Urban Outfitters" thread. Like it or not, the idea is to try and make people think and hopefully react. Positive or negative reaction, the fact that you bothered posting is good enough for me.


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