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Posts posted by snapshot

  1. I'm in Bali - particularly around Kuta - Denpasar for a week.

    Anyone have any favorite streets or areas to check, especially for kicks, real or fake and streetwear etc.?

    I've hit up all the regulars- any lesser known spots?


  2. Supreme is dope on its own, but there are so many fonts and designers that would be worth checking out instead.

    hint: if you're interested browse through some old fonts and google them - there are some pretty crazy designers and stories behind these things.

  3. Or try to get your hands on a Serial Surfer program or similar. If it includes the upgrade from trial serial for the version you have then you are off and running as a software bandit.

  4. too bad you're not getting more respones... I'm not in the know but if you are bored, you can always check Lexington in Roppongi. Its cheesy, but if you're a baller you can pull models and they will know what's up. If not on the weekends its easy to meet cute Japanese chicks there.

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