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Posts posted by sambeckett78

  1. Quote:

    here we go:

    "A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of religion as unquestionably right, and any belief or opinion opposed to or differing from them as unreasonable or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in politics or morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion."

    "An extremely narrow minded person who cannot think for themselves. They can make a lot of assumptions and are self-reightous. A lot of the time selfish, and hates anything they do not understand."

    obviously you can be a bigot without hating jews or other ethnic groups.

    You made me post again, well done!

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Sep 28, 2005 09:15 AM

    i still don't understand how this applies to me being a bigot.

    ooooh... i get it.

    it's b/c of my "faith and views in matters of religion" that i hate on the purple shirt guy... b/c my faith in the green shirt is so strong.

    no, no. it's my political and moral belief that purple stripes shirts are bad.

    i'm obviously a person who can think for himself... i thought, w/ my own brain, that the purple shirt was bad.

    man, you are stupid. do you have a high school degreee at the very least?

  2. Quote:

    ok cool

    Occasional is fine by me (not that I'm God or anything).

    Go to niketalk.com to see what I'm talking bout though....

    --- Original message by triniboy27 on Sep 28, 2005 08:57 AM

    ok, i'll check out niketalk.

    but seriously, what is your picture about?

  3. Quote:

    I think that using gay as a negative adjective is gay.

    --- Original message by hybris on Sep 28, 2005 08:45 AM

    okay dude, if your comment was supposed to be funny, that is f-in hilarious.

    b/c you're using the word "gay" there as a negative adjective, which you said is gay! haha.

    if you were being serious there, you're a fucking idiot.

    b/c you just said using "gay" as a neg adj is "gay"... therefore you are being "gay" right there.

    instead, you should have said "i think that using gay as a neg adj is retarded/stupid/uncouth."

    now, be honest, were u trying to be funny or being serious?

  4. Quote:

    I did not call you a retard because you don't know the technicals of this messageboard but because you're as accepting of things that differ from your ideals and opinions as a five year old, thus you might be a bit behind mentally.

    Anyway, let's just ignore this troll. You can have the last word big guy!

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Sep 28, 2005 08:46 AM


    dude, you really are an idiot.

    first u call me a retard.

    then u said u actually meant BIGOT.

    i don't recall making any judgement on any jews, muslims, indians, green party, canadians (although this would make for a very interesting post...) or anyone like that.

    before calling me such "big words" such as "bigot," why don't u do yourself a favor and find out what all these "big words" mean, okay? get an education... not just on denim on forums.

    i said ppl that post pics of their "outfit" are gay. and dudes that even refer to their clothes as their "outfit" are gay. didn't make any judgements based on race, religion, etc.

    oh, and i mean gay not as in homosexual. but gay as in lame. unfortunately for the gays, the term "gay" has turned into meaning "lame." don't ask me, i didn't make up the rules.

    "not that there's anything wrong w/ that!"

  5. Quote:


    I guess it's really too much to expect maturity from the people on here.

    I have nothing wrong with you passing judgement - hey, as you said, we all do it all the time. That being said, I don't go up to the guy on the street and tap him on the shoulder and tell him to his face that his outfit sucks. I keep it to my damn self because who am I to tell him what to wear? He's got his own style, just like everyone else on here has their own unique style.

    Unless you actually have some constructive criticism to contribute, I don't see how you add any value to the board with your 'that looks gay' comments.

    I just don't want to see this forum degrade to the point that some of the other boards (ie. Niketalk) have gotten to where it's all hate. I'm not saying you have to be on the guy's dick and fawn over him if you love his outfit, but you also don't have to be a cunt about it either.

    Edited by triniboy27 on Sep 28, 2005 at 08:33 AM

    --- Original message by triniboy27 on Sep 28, 2005 08:33 AM


    i don't want to start a hate epidemic on this forum.

    i will OCCASSIONALLY pepper in some hate, but not enough to make this into a "Niketalk" (i don't get the reference, but i guess there's a lot of hate on that forum).

  6. Quote:

    So, is this how you get around in your everyday life too? Because you DO have the same right to say what you think there to, so why shouldn't you?

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Sep 28, 2005 08:22 AM

    i don't know what you're talking about. icon_smile.gif
  7. Quote:

    great comeback there. Maybe I should have used the word bigot instead of retard? You clearly have no respect for or understanding of other people's opinions or actions if they differ from your own, so what are you even doing on a messageboard?

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Sep 28, 2005 08:13 AM

    no, i'm pretty sure you meant retard.

    clearly i have an understanding of other ppl's opinions even if they differ from my own. that's why i am reading them on a forum. i also have the right to my own opinions, don't i?

    should we set ourselves back hundreds of years and ban the freedom of speech, you idiot?

    i don't mean "bigot" there. i mean "idiot."

  8. this being an open forum, i exercised my right to pass judgement.

    if i think somebody posting a picture of themselves is gay (or ghey, whatever that means), so be it.

    people pass judgements everyday, nearly every minute of their lives.

    i'm sure you walked by somebody today thinking, "i can't believe he's wearing that lame shirt/shoes/pants/socks/watch/etc." you did, i'm sure. if not today, you did it yesterday, okay?

    so this being an "open forum" and the members are allowed to express whatever they want, i took the liberty to express my thoughts that the "WDYWT" threads are gay and funny. wanna see what other ppl are wearing? walk down the f-in' street and take a look instead of asking homos to post pics!!!

    also, the whole "btw, most ppl who say "i'm not a bland, but..." usu are? are you accusing me of being a homophobe?

    oh, well okay. you got me. i'm a homophobe. so there. touché. score one for the triniboy.

    by the way, your picture logo thing is really cool. what the hell is that? "muahahahaha"???

    just kidding. it's really gay.

  9. Quote:

    perhaps he clicked your name and read your other posts just now?

    WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY? never came across such a retard before

    --- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Sep 28, 2005 07:43 AM

    my bad.

    i guess i'm not as superfuture® supertalk savvy as you are.

    horriblyjj: what a retard!!! doesn't even know how to name click and see previous posts???

  10. Quote:

    ^^ Aren't you the dude who threw down all your Union Bay knowledge? Know THAT'S hilarious.

    --- Original message by TragicBliss on Sep 28, 2005 03:38 AM

    don't you mean NOW that's hilarious?

    i don't mean to be the grammar police here... but maybe u guys should brush up on some grammar and spelling instead of only reading online forums on shuttle loom denim?

    ^^ Aren't you the dude who said that 2x1 denim is so much cooler than 3x1??? omg bro!

    i take it i don't have many fans here?

  11. alright guys, relax! geez!

    about the Union comment, fyi there is a denim brand called union.

    somebody asked about whether union was la or ny based. never mentioned whether they were talking about the store or the brand...


    yes, this is a chick's website... and this is the brand "Union."

    i thought it was pretty sad that somebody remembered i made this comment about Union being from Union Bay (which it is) about a week ago or something. haha! hey, aren't u the guy that made that comment about Union Bay in that post on pg 4 or supertalk last wednesday the 21st??? HAHAHA.

    am i the only one who sees the dark, sad comedy in this? any Curb Your Enthusiasm fans out there?

  12. relatively new to this site...

    lots of denim heads here w/ lots of good info.

    however, there is also lots of comedy on here, and here are my fave kinds...

    1) how do my jeans fit?

    buncha homos taking pics of themselves in the mirror and posting them on web forums. wow.

    what's next, "how is my d.zoolander pose?"

    2) what are you wearing today?

    how gay is this???

    and no, i'm not a homophobe. my best friend is gay. heck, all my friends are... it's just one big gayfest when we hang out.


  13. HAHAHA!!!

    some people on here are so gay it's beyond funny.

    i think it's HILARIOUS that ppl take pics of themselves in the mirror and post them, asking how they fit.

    even funnier is the "what are you wearing today" posts!

    is anyone w/ me on this??? i don't even wanna tell anyone what i wear here... why would i? so ppl can bite off your style? am i alone in thinking like this?

    please people, don't hate me for these comments

  14. shuttle looms are WHACK!!! air jet looms RULE!!!

    technology, bi%#hes!!! just kidding.

    okay, enough w/ the APC, Nudie, 5EP, RRL, 45rpm conversations...

    does anyone here occassionaly wear non-selvage denim brands?

    any faves?

  15. UNION is the "premium" brand from UNION BAY.

    it neither originated in LA or NYC... rather, from Seattle, where UNION BAY headquarters is located!!!


    if yes, it is your life, and your choice, more power to you.

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