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Posts posted by obladi

  1. I tried out vans and I think the sole is a bit high. I want vans that are thin soled like my chucks. Are there such thing? I visted the website and they seem to have tons of different types but I can't tell the difference.

  2. goo gone works. I used it on jeans, jackets, and some containers where I ripped off price tag stickers. I don't think the smell is that bad. I rather it smell than walk around with gum on me.

  3. Ink is like the hardest thing to get off. I don't really understand what exactly happened, but If the shirt is white, bleach it. Sometimes that doesn't work well either and the ink spot might just turn brown. Bleach is also very bad for fabrics so don't do that unless you have to.

    If it is a colored shirt, take it to the dry cleaners. But it might not come off it the ink has gone through both sides. Flip the shirt over and see if the ink went through. Also if the shirt has print on it, like a silk screen or a plastic logo print, that can't be dry cleaned.

    I'm very careful with my printed t shirts. They are a hassle to get cleaned if anything major happens.

  4. Winter is just around the corner. I have tons of sweaters and hoodies to get by autumn but I'm afraid when it gets a little bit colder and I have nothing to wear. I'm a tiny guy and all the coats I try on make me look even smaller. My price point is 500$usd, nothing over that. Something that can last me a few years. I was thinking a slim peacoat but I don't know what would be a good brand. I'm also open for anything else, maybe a slim down jacket? Even though down filling is really over.

    I'm sure many other guys are also looking for winter coats so advice would be helpful for many. Thanks in advance.

    Edited by obladi on Sep 26, 2005 at 04:39 PM

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