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Posts posted by Phrederick

  1. Wow, I'm surprised to find a thread on Jandek at superfuture. I'm not sure what to call what he makes, but I enjoy listening to it now and then. Seeing him live would be very strange, I'm sure.

  2. I'm going to be visiting Seattle next week, and want to pick up a pair of shoes or two. The brands I'm mainly interested are Diesels, Puma, Vans, and the like. Any suggestions of places to visit? Last time I was there I went to this one place in Pike Place Market, but their selection was shit.

  3. I'm going back to Seattle for a week or so this month, and I would love a list of stores worth checking out. I grew up there, but didn't get interested in fashion until after I had moved out and gone to college on the east coast. Here's a list of what's been mentioned so far, anything else worth adding? I know about the typical department stores like Nordstroms, Bon Macys, Urban Outfitters, etc.

    Also, a couple shoe stores would be awesome. I need to pick up a pair of shoes or two.



    Zebra Club


    Buffalo Exchange


  4. I'm poor, so I'm not going to be able to start breaking in a pair of expensive jeans while I am there, and I want to be able to not care at all about them. If I never wear them again after I get back, that will be alright. I'm going in their fall/winter, in Namibia, which is near the bottom, so it's not as hot as the equatorial regions.

    I'll be bringing linen pants and shorts as well.

  5. Quote:

    Lol, I meant they are "just black corduroy." I fixed it now.

    --- Original message by Jaymstr on Aug 30, 2005 04:54 PM

    Alright, thanks for clearing up the confusion. Could you take some photos of them in person? I would love to pick up a pair of cords that are cut like jeans, but haven't been able to find a good pair. Could anyone recommend a good cheap pair? I really don't have a lot of money to spare on them.
  6. Quote:

    Just out of curiousity... I could use some shrinkage, but I've been breaking them in for the past 2 months already. Is it too late to give them a cold soak?

    --- Original message by PG2G on Aug 27, 2005 12:58 AM

    I wore my APCs for about three months, then they started stretching a bit more than was comfortable. I soaked them in cold water for a couple hours, hung them to dry, then wore them while damp. They certainly shrunk a bit, but are still larger than when I purchased them. They're more comfortable than they were before I washed them, though.
  7. The starch is intented for dress shirts and the like, so don't follow the directions on it. Just spray the starch on the jeans, especially the areas that will develop fading and creases. Don't iron them. Dry cleaning does not count as washing them, for the "six month" period.

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