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Posts posted by yamaha

  1. Quote:

    yea that's good to hear that the info on urban are way outdated..

    more information leaked out = more people knowing the brand and wearing the same shit

    i would rather some stuff remain exclusive..

    call me selfish but i seriously don't like people wearing the same shit as me..

    utimately, the Singaporean peeps are still going gaga over fanciful washed jeans.. (the more fake whiskers and lines, the better, hah)

    well let them be..

    --- Original message by su8m3rg3d on Apr 30, 2006 12:16 PM

    good stuff are to be share. good food everyone taste.

    if no1 knows the brands u wear, who will think u r different, have exclusive stuff on yr body

    in the end juz a tee n jeans on yr body, nothing more than Singaporean peeps u mention.

    i support the brand, spread the news. if they r keen, they will find out more

    how old r u btw?

    i see alot of people whose not in this forum have good stuff too. know abt brands too

    mayb you got stuff people hardly can get hold of, so that makes you special


    Edited by yamaha on May 1, 2006 at 05:19 AM

  2. hello guys me from singapore too.....

    APC new standard dry at $220? i want get it!!!!!!!!!

    me wearing slim jim now for 4 mth no wash.

    washing in june and starting a new pair. APC?

    Edited by yamaha on Feb 26, 2006 at 08:09 AM

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