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winston smith

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Posts posted by winston smith

  1. Stussy, it could be argued, was the first or one of

    the first to do a "street" clothing line. And to have

    some Johnny-come-lately biter like Klotz parodying

    Stussy was just too much for Shaun Stussy to take.

    Stussy was doing what a lot of people have wanted to

    do to Klotz for a long time: put the dork in his

    place. It wasn't about money; it was about respect.

  2. Save your $$ - Fresh Jive is weak. Calling his brand "Fresh Jive" is a de facto testament

    to Rick Klotz's well known rep as a wannabe/poser/dork. Really, "Fresh Jive"? Sounds like some Valley kook wigger's first excited attempt to sound "hip hop". Just saying "Fresh Jive" or thinking of that brand name makes one less cool. Try it: say it and think it. Don't you feel like a dork? It's just such a lame name!

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