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Posts posted by newrooky

  1. 1002118nx5.jpg

    2 tasty drinks, an amazing book, and a motordrive for my FM2

    I hafta hate on that book. In my opinion, it is Palahniuk's worst, well actually, i decided dislike "haunted" also. His older stuff is the best. It is a fact

  2. Which ones? The black ones are some new diesel's. I know the brand is hated on this board, and for a lot of good reason's. But a few select things in their new line are pretty nice and not branded at all, and my friend works there so i get half off. And the brown ones are some APC's i picked up for super cheap. hurray

  3. masuerte: Hmm denim jacket, i hafta say, i think mizanation has my ass kicked in that world for now. The jacket he made was sharp. Well done to him


    2 years sewing you should be fine, jus take your time and think about how to put it together, good luck :-). and Mizanation is right, definetly change your needles often, they have needles that are especially for denim so take a look at them, they should have them at most stores. Jean jumpers do help out, but i just made my own cause i am kinda cheap and didn;t want to pay 8 dollars for it.

    Mickawes: While a heavier machine helps out, particuarly in tough areas around the front middle section it isn;t 100% needed. Like i said, i have been sewing on a crappy brother machine and it has been working okay, but it doesn;t fuck up on a more than welcome basis.

  4. Sorry, right now they aren't for sale. I am just kind of making designs and patterns of different ideas. However, coming around in january i should be getting the ball rolling on a design company and then several items will be popping up for sale, including several jeans, shits and sweaters, all customizable at first at least. Everything will first be available to longstanding superfuture members. I am hoping for a official release in the summer/fall of 2007.

    thanks and such. Just out of curiosity, what else would you like to see, i'd love to give it a go for fun.

    thanks again!

  5. I decided since i have been getting into sewing more and more and have seen other people doing the same i would try to start a new thread that showcases clothing that people have either highly altered or made from scratch. So, please post anything you have like that.

    I just made my second pair of jeans, and here are the pictures just after i finished them. I broke the machine about 3/4 the way though so i had to sew a bit of it by hand.

    back shot:






    Inside of jeans before i finished them up and made them look pretty:


    So, what did you make?

  6. Houston: Umma, i followed the initial steps of Ande's stuff but then variated and viewed the stiching on other pairs.

    Sleezy: Thanks, i am just making another pair hopefully they will come out great, i will include lots of details when i finish

  7. I have a question that I wasn't able to stumble upon using the search feature. Is there such a thing as Left hand twill selvage denim? I have noticed that most (or all) of the selvage denim that is floating around is right hand twill.

    From my understanding, left hand makes the denim slightly softer and one would think it could make an interesting combination of selvage and left hand twill.

    So my question is to anyone who can lend a hand:

    Is there left hand twill selvage denim. If so, where was it made, by who, and when.

    If you only have 1 part of the answer or whatever, please end a hand! It is one of the few questions that hasn't been asked (as far as i can tell) on this board. And maybe i am dumb, so either way, just let me know!


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