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Posts posted by nappywun

  1. And this is to be marketed toward....street fashion? I think you might be preaching to the wrong crowd.

    Maybe Leonardo should have rocked it in his upcoming movie "Blood Diamond" with some AF1s. :)

    I think street fashion is just as guilty of buying into the bling mentality as any other fashion. Case in point Nigo and Pharrell, street fashion's posterb boys. And the fact is just as many Africans are exploited for the the diamonds in their teeth as there are Asians for the cheap labor for Bape. Whether you rock Crooks & Castles or a "Bling is Dead" tee you're still sending a message.

  2. Quote:

    save some money, and take your brand to pool or project.

    --- Original message by baskew on May 18, 2006 07:38 AM

    ehhhh.. dunno about spending $$$ on the tradeshows right away. Many NY boutiques don't frequent the shows in my experience.

    I would definately suggest calling to find out who the buyer is, sending a lookbook, then following up somehow. This will at least introduce you to them w/out the high cost. I don't know how long you'll be in NY but walking through some popular neighborhoods with a lookbook and samples in tow can definately make you trip woth it. Plan well.


    African Style Worldwide

  3. beyond just starting your own blog and trying to build a rep, I think the focus should probably be on either branding/marketing or journalism. They're quite different IMHO.

    Do you want to be the person who infiltrates the subcultures and reports back to the powers that be or the person who is the subculture and have them pay you to do what you already do. Pick our poison.

    Afrique C'est Chic

  4. Looking for stores in the UK, Paris, Spain, Germany, similar to Atrium and Nom De Guerre in NYC. Any with a nice mix of edgy new, independent, and popular labels. I'll be travelling soon and want to get some unique gear. Any with online presence will be great.

    Afrique C'est Chic

  5. Bill Hallman boutique (Monroe Drive)

    French Kiss (Peachtree Street)

    Little Five Points (artists area; off standard shops)

    Peachtree Street pretty much takes u through the city's popular areas.

    Check out Creative Loafing newspaper for other shops and stuff. They ususually have a best of Atlanta list which might have a tailor.

    Good luck

    Afrique C'est Chic

  6. I was @ project for the first time and felt the same way.

    Granted, I'm not a buyer, but the whole show lacked personality. I'm definately not into scantily clad girls handing out flyers, but some amount of creativity would have been nice. I've been told that previous shows were better. May this be because of the Magic buyout? Either way I've been turned off from exhibiting my line there. We'll see if Pool NY in July is any better.

    Also a group for industry people would be real helpful. I've done a lot of research and tried many methods and would not mind being involved in a knowledge exchange network. IMHO that's the power of forums like this. Not idle chatter.

    Afrique C'est Chic

  7. Does anyone have any experience w/Alternative Apparel? Just learned about them recently.

    How's the quality and fit? Anyone use them for blanks or just order individual pieces? Any private label experience w/them?


    Afrique C'est Chic

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