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Posts posted by gartermouth

  1. Hey, I'm heading out to Chicago for spring break to visit a college. I'll have a couple extra days to do whatever. I figured I could shop...but here's the thing...I'm cheap.

    What are some good vintage and/or thrift type shops in Chicago? Or really good stores that aren't too expensive? I don't want to go to all these stores where things start at hundreds of dollars.

    I'm looking for stuff I can't really find on the east coast...aka NYC but if that's impossible, that's alright. I love NYC but I don't know if I have the $$$$ to go to school there!!

    There seem to be a lot of good used bookstores. What's the best in your opinion?


  2. I knew it was useless. =( I guess I was hoping there'd be some "hole in the wall" but I really should have known better....

    thanks anyway, I'm going to work on convincing my mom to kill time on the East Side before we see the show. I'll see how that goes....

  3. Hi, I finally convinced my mom to take me to NYC...wer'e going to go see "Rent" on Broadway. However, I also want to do some shopping. I've posted other threads looking for stores on the lower east side, but unfortunately my mom can't walk very far and she refuses to take the subway.

    So here's my question,

    what reasonably priced (nothing in like...the hundreds) is in midtown manhattan, clothing wise? Any thrift shops? Please tell me there's something!!!! I know it's a tourist area, but I'm going back to school, and I need to do some shopping but I don't have a lot of dough. Is there anything in the area or not that many blocks to walk? I go Wednesday, so if you could get back to me before then that would be great!!!

  4. Hah, Djarum Blacks are my favorite too. They're 10 bucks a pack here, though, so I try to make my last for a few months. My idea of a perfect night is a cup of Kava and a Djarum black.

    When I don't have Djarums, I smoke Newport.

  5. Hi, I've been to NYC three times, but I have never gotten the chance to do what I want to do--shop!! I only live an hour away, but finding someone to go with is always an issue. Lesson learned: only go with someone who actually has money and wants to shop.

    Anyway, introduction aside, I want to know where some really good stores are, but are not expensive. Expensive as in....$200 on a pair of pants. I'm more stingy than that, unfortunately. I want clothes that's different, unique, something you can't find anywhere else. I'm looking for anything--shoes, pants, tops, jackets, accessories. I haven't bought clothes in ages. I wear the same jeans everyday.

    I've been to the East Side and went in a few stores. Some thrift stores didn't have what I was looking for. Others--like Screaming Mimi's was nice, but a bit pricey. As for location, it can be anywhere, but on my next trip to NYC I was hoping to stay more towards the East Side, but other locations are welcome too.

    And if you know of a really nice store, but IS a little pricey, you can still mention it and I'll check it out. Thanks!

  6. Do you know where the Germantown location is?

    Thanks everybody for the recommendations! Hopefully I'll be going soon.


    has anyone heard of two stores called "Resurrection" and "Reminiscence" in NYC? The only reason I asked is because I called into a radio station and they mentioned those two places, although they did say they didn't know if they were still around.

  7. Hello,

    I'm new.

    I actually found this site while trying to search for thrift shops in Hoboken.

    I live in New Jersey, but in a fairly isolated, rural area (maybe not traditionally rural, but for Jersey it is.) Specifically Hunterdon County.

    I've been searching for what feels like forever, for unique, cheap thrift shops. They don't necessarily have to be just thrift shops, but that's what I'm mainly looking for. Awesome, low-priced shops that feature clothes you won't find anywhere else. The ideas I have in my head I doubt I will find (too bad I couldn't make my own clothes.) Now that you know what type of store (funky, unique, cheap) I'm looking for it in the areas of:

    New Jersey in general excluding South Jersey; Hoboken

    New York City


    Hopefully you guys can help me out! I have a few stores recommended to me, but the more the better! I'm trying to gather a bunch of stores in one area cause otherwise they're spread out pretty far.

    Thanks =)

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