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Bea Earlton Park

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Posts posted by Bea Earlton Park

  1. Like your age showing and you just are grasping at retaining cool...

    I had that happen recently. Felt like some of the brands I have a loyalty for cold stop speaking to my overall estetic.

    Very chilling to wake up and no longer having that quite reassuring "one of us" feeling.

    Discuss amongst yourselves.


    In packs we hunt for you and yours.

  2. Opinions are like an...we all have one and here is mine.

    Miss Van craft is Top notch a TOTAL TECHNICIAN. Miss Vans girls look pretty but have PUG DOG faces and have very regimented poses, very cold. (Think RUSH, may day parade, or the Jeopardy Club back in HS.)

    FAFIs craft is lacking but LET ME TELL YOU her figures are alive and very excitingly sexy, candy color dreamy and very CUTE. ( Think Candypants, Valentines day, or Friday night school dance)

    I don't know these ladies and am basing my opinion on having been exposed to their art for the last 7 yrs. in magazines, the streets of the world and the web.

    Sorry but FAFI speaks to my FUN side of the brain unlike the Missuss.


    In packs we hunt for you and yours.

  3. So, Is Cole Haan kinda cool on that 1960 'dapper skinhead detective/MOD' look or is it an oldman white collar brand? Interested to know since none are flexing this gear with their Selvedge Jeans and Vespas. Thinking it might look kinda hot.

    Sound of, one, two. Sound off 1,2,3,4..






    In packs we hunt for you and yours.

    Edited by Bea Earlton Park on Jun 30, 2005 at 01:33 AM

  4. Super-shoppers. What do you recommend ? I feel lowtops will set off my Puff ball socks! But maybe I should get the new converse I saw in the glossy mags I peruse at the newsstands. The one with what looks like a mouth in the front of the toe-box. HELP ME ! I can only afford one pair at arould 60 to 80 dollars American.

    Are there Vintage source for Converse I should be looking for ?

    Yours in Fashion.


    In packs we hunt for you and yours.

  5. I wish David Bowie !

    I would not have to work so hard at the clinic to get my DUNKLES from Ebay or Try to sleep with JuppaFEETS for my pair of CLERKS kicks. Its a shame. I can only hope that I can one day see some of that nike money.



    Q. what do you all think of their Goddess stores?

    A. Personally, Im in love. I get threaded like, well, a goddess when I window shop there.

    In packs we hunt for you and yours.

  6. b2_1_b.JPG

    This tee will go great with my new Hurley canvas Ensinadas cut skirt !


    PS: HC boys are cute wearing their nikes and Skater mag tees, look at how nerdy they are all pissed at THE MAN and what not.

    In packs we hunt for you and yours.

    Edited by Bea Earlton Park on Jun 26, 2005 at 11:11 PM

  7. How come you people of the Jet setting community never SUPERchat about the H ?

    I like the fit of their tops and the surf boys look hot wearing their board trunks.

    Discuss amongst yourselves.


    In packs we hunt for you and yours.

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