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future troubles

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Posts posted by future troubles

  1. i tried to get some fools together to compile bank and split the shoes but, even together we cae up short like tattoo.

    time to rob and steeeeeeel. future troubles.

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  2. i like all thr images of APCs ive seen so far; right now im balling on a restricted budget; But i love the fact that they dont stand out to anyone outside the know. I hate most things that double as billboards.

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  3. better their online then on the road; a free for all in a pen is at least slightly self contained.

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  4. ive managed to get ass backwards in london. shit is ridiculous. However iv also gotten lost in NYC as well; when the grid falls off im lost.

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  5. but i like big pockets. when you say small pocket size do you just mean not, the oversized Hiphop-put your whole crew in them pockets? for some reason when you said i invision having to get a man purse?

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  6. firstly the exchange stuff is incredible. such a good idea.

    secondly i feel like this book is gonna be fresh; i was a big fan of the mags; and books seem a bit more official; so the efforts gotta be big.

    my fav was the twist issue.

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  7. still im with the scene in angel heart with denise from the cosby show; Lisa Bonet


    * sorry if the image breaks any rules, im new.

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  8. kilomanjaro. jamdown

    high grade outa DC.

    Jah shaka UK.

    dj Craze; FLA

    hollertronix illadelph

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  9. camper for sure.


    kenneth coles look ok but are not to comfy for my dogs

    like some dessils for the week before they became everyshoe.

    feeling the footprints from burkenstock, no for real. (womens)

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  10. also depends on the size of the run. i preffer hard covers; unless the leather were to cover something a lil ridged. but thats just MHO

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  11. my man works for vice. but it hasnt lead to any perks for me yet. Im trying to convince him to do an article about my blandness; cant be any worse then some of the less interesting articles.

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  12. some of use are just big boneded. or used to be...

    any way the spot in NYC seems to be the place to look

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  13. it kills me to see nice jeans, then to notice some god awful frilly things on them. why not just a simple tag/label?

    maybe im getting to be a fuddy duddy

    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


  14. GUCCI is the way to go, Ive had two pairs the first I lost, somewhere un memorable the second i lost in the ocean in PR, yeah im an idiot for swimming with sunglasses. But im getting a new pair soon enough.


    Dis bad man like yuh tek man fi claffy

    Copper shot a pick yuh like how crook pick ackee

    Shouldn't dis di man from brook vally


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