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Posts posted by DAVE LABELS

  1. tthe problem is that nyc street wear is one big circle jerk. everyone helping the same people out and not letting no one else in unless there jerked. i dont understand how you can rock a graf crews logo and front like your down. WTF is that all about. i feel you on everything being a 28 year old born and bred, rocking lo since 1993 in aviation h.s. please don't get me started on california. that place is so far behind, marty is still rocking levis denim jackets and bif is waxing my pick up.

    only way to change it, is to do it yourself. slap these kids in the street, shout them out. call them lame and herbs. ask them where they were. how did they learn. you'll hear alot of fumbling.

    support BROOKLYN BASEMENTS.( www.bklynbasements.com ) my dude tommy rebel has been around since day 1. watch what we got instore. and believe me, you won't see a tee shirt.

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