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Posts posted by AmericanTemplar

  1. I checked the tag in the pair of 47's that I tried on and it said that they were made in the USA, but maybe just enough work on them was completed in the USA to warrant that stamp.

    So has the shape of the 47's changed since prior seasons?

  2. It's been a while since I've read this thread or the board in general, so this may have been addressed somewhere here, but I was going to pick up a new pair of '47's at the Levi's store yesterday and all they had were washed versions. I tried on a pair, which was true to tagged sized (not pre-washed size) and the fit was horrible--nothing like the last pair that I had. The denim felt quite a bit lighter than what I remember, but I'm sure that was because the starch was washed out, and they had a much baggier fit than what I like. Does the European version have a slimmer cut?

    Also, to any of you that have the 1967 505's, how have your zippers held up? I just broke my zipper after wearing them for about a year. I was thinking that I would take them to a tailor to get the zipper replaced & I was thinking of getting another pair, but now I'm thinking that button fly is the way to go. Wouldn't the 47's be the closest in fit to the 505's? I had a pair of the 66 501's at one point, but they weren't nearly as slim as they were made out to be.

  3. Good info sybaritical! They look like well crafted bags & they are the only bag that looks as though it functions like a cycling specific bag without being associated with the bike messenger/wannabe bike messenger scene; I don't know if I could handle potentially ruining an expensive piece of gear though. :(

  4. Damn, they sell Chrome at Target now?

    I saw one of those Reload bags in person and it looked pretty nice, but the only one they had had a big swallow stitched on the front and I'm not a big fan of generic tattoo art. Maybe I should look around a little more.

    I think that those Jack Spade bags are a little too metro for my taste. Man bags are feminie enough as it is without attaching a name like "Jack Spade" to them. I also think that the styling of those bags is a little too bland. Thanks for the help though!

  5. Hello all,

    I've been riding my bike to work for the past month and I'm finding that the PVC Fred Perry bag that I've been using isn't cutting it. Can anyone recommend me some bags within that $200 range that work well on a bike, but aren't played out? Ideally it would be something classic looking, since I have a Mod/Skinhead/Suedehead style & most things that are too hip look off on me. I just really don't want Chrome, Timbuk2, etc., & I would like to be able to try on whatever I get before I buy it, so I don't want to order online if I can help it.

    I was looking around at a bag shop here and they had those Freitag bags and I thought that some of them looked pretty cool, but after doing a little research online it looks like some people have had problems with dye rubbing off onto clothes. I also think that those bags may have some cult status like Chrome, ReLoad, etc. & I don't want to be like one of those old white guys who is wearing cluelessly wearing FUBU.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  6. The price has been dropped and I have added an additional photo and shipping options. I won't be dropping the price anymore so if you want them, get them now. Here is your chance to save some money on a beautiful pair of jeans!

  7. Hello,

    I recently bought these 505's, but unfortunately the waist is too big for me. I've been wearing them anyway but the bunch up at the waist, so I was hoping that someone here might be interested in them. I have had 1/2" cuffs professionally hemmed in to add to the mod aesthetic of the jeans so that they now measure 36x32 from 36x34. These still haven't been washed and look brand new, but I can either clean them with dryel or machine wash them before sending them. I will sell these jeans for $150 with shipping in the US included. I have 100% positive feedback on ebay if you need verification of my trustworthiness. Send me an e-mail at [email protected] if you are interested. I will try to post pictures soon, but I can send photos to anyone interested.




  8. so what does everyone think of the new 67 505? personally I don't like them, the denim looks far to proper and finished, shiniest I ever saw. they're really dark though, maybe they'll fade well.

    my favourite is still the unsinged version, which was before aw 06.

    I love mine. The denim is a bit shiny, but I'm sure that that's just starch that will wash out. I kinda like the way that they shimmer in the light though. Due to the higher rise I wear mine higher on my waist than I would with 501's, so I think that I should have bought my actual waist size rather than going a size up as advised on cultizm.

  9. Hello All,

    I just wanted to give my praises for Cultizm. For those of you who are in the US and are concerned about ordering overseas and the high Euro/Dollar exchange rate, Cultizms prices are very reasonable when you consider that shipping is free and the tax is included in the specified prices. I ordered a pair of the 505's for myself and pair of the 55's 501's for my brother thinking that we could save on shipping by ordering together, but I guess--considering the free shipping--it wasn't necessary. The goods aren't shipped on the slow boat either. I placed the order on Friday and I was notified today(Sunday) that the jeans would arrive on Tuesday with FedEx tracking. Four days after paying, the jeans will be in my hands(from Switzerland to San Francisco). I will give a further review of the 505's upon receipt. Thanks Cultizm for the top notch service!



  10. Those aren't 47's. Those are Levi's Premium 501's, and they will shrink if you wash them. I have a pair like those but without the design inside and they shrank in the waist and in length and they didnt' look too good after having been washed. The tag on the inside says that you should wash them in the same way that jeans are normally washed, but there was a tag that was attached to them when I bought them that said that they should only be dry cleaned.

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