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Posts posted by apollomfcreed

  1. 13's Top 10:







    Cologne (for Cannes silly)


    Marrakech (Morocco you Carmen Sandiego wannabe)

    Seattle (so I can find and subsequently burn down the original Starbucks- and because I do

    -->want to go check it out)


    Now wasn't that strangely yet predictably anticlimactic and unatisfying since you have no idea who the fuck I am, where I am from, and whether the validity and/or sincerity of this opinion is even worth the 30 seconds or so it took you to read down to here? Well I guess you will just have to take me at my word and that better be good enough because... well, because that's all you got to go on now isn't it all you Sam Spade's out there yous.

    - licking champagne off a titty will make you feel like a million bucks even if the bottle costs about $5.50

  2. Listen up. First of all, I'll give ya New Brunswick, but you know damn well the only things truly worthwhile about it are its sloppy drunken late-night eat spots like Tido's and the Greasetrucks (Fat Daryls and Cats all the way). As for whoever posted everything south of there suckin a fat ding-dong....

    Well, how bout Red Bank my man, home of Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash, some thrift stores, cafes, other neat local shops and small businesses, and not to mention pretty much one of the only remaining art house theaters anywhere in this fuckin state where you could actually see a film that wasn’t a Bruckheimer picture and even for less than 12 bills without an audience full of imbeciles squawking at the screen and/or screaming little children doing backflips in the aisles.

    Great Adventure- Fright Fest- need I say more? (No, I needn’t.)

    And don’t even pretend the first Friday night possible after you were handed that little laminated plastic rectangular self-portrait that said you could drive you didn’t go to the boardwalk at Seaside.

    Asbury Park, as run down as it may be had its "prime" even in our day when Casino was just teetering on the edge of condemnation long enough for there to be a skatepark in there, the Stone Pony was being resurrected (sort of), and Warped Tour used to be a good time.

    Speaking of some shore towns, it also was not too bad at all having beaches with ocean-water warm enough to swim in for durations longer than five seconds before hypothermia sets in as anywhere north of there on this coast.

    And if your idea of fun is losing a ton of loot in a game of chance and catching an std from a prostitute you didn’t find out had an external sex gland of the penile persuasion between the thighs until after the herp-ooze lubricated blowjob was done and paid for, then AC is the place.

    In Old Bridge, M&M Hall was rockin every weekend night on Texas Road with every local band who either had some talent or some delusions or both and Birch Hill was not yet bulldozed into the ground and Art had only lost his liquor license two or so times yet, while "Krome" up in South Amboy was still Club Benet and Ricky was running shit with Bomb Shelter. Speaking of that place go find Scortino's and you'll realize "shit, I never really have had brick oven pizza before..."

    Downtown Freehold was tryin pretty hard until the boro skate-proofed any and everything even reminiscent of a skatespot and Nevergreen was put out of business by the corporate slobs of Blades invading the malls or whatever and there was a brief revival of the area and its shops.

    Don’t forget about the flea market and auction days either, where you could go and sell/swap all the comics, cards, toys, and anything collectable you could imagine.

    Now, I don't know if you lost your eyesight a few years back or something (and if so I do sincerely apologize for this comment may seem a bit abrasive), but whoever said there is nothing but trees and deer around here in the "Gardenstate" must be fucking blind! Every single time I've returned to my hometown in central NJ more of these mystical enchanted forests then must be somehow "magically" transformed into developments, as grass is paved over with tar and asphalt and huge strip malls erected upon every possible inch of commercial zoning, and well, you may be right about one thing, there may be more deer- more deer rotting on the side of every highway mauled by some gas-guzzling banana-ram yellow hummer-tank piloted by some ponytail toting menace of a soccer-mom.

    However even Howell, my beloved little suburban wasteland of a home, still has managed to preserve its few perks like the Regent “doyner†and our independent somehow-surviving Record Store of the same nomenclature (and I guess Ippy’s Video should be mentioned too, but that place sucks and that lady is a cucking funt)….

    Admittedly, if you live in NYC it’s not really worth coming down to the Jers. for the cult

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