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majah flavah

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Posts posted by majah flavah

  1. Quote:

    Majah Flavah,

    That is the biggest pile of spineless self pitying shite I ever heard. You can say anything you want - and you should.

    I was the one in minority today. I couldn't shop because of these guys. I didn't say anything to the line because what was there to say? You think they would have all left if I showed them the 9 inch scar on my leg and I pointed out that it wasn't an ethnically diverse enough line?

    No, I pointed it out here for all those who didn't and couldn't go to Supreme. So people know why their favorite new item has sold out and what kind of people are Supreme's most passionate customers.

    Not skaters, but young Asian guys.

    There you go. You are a majority.



    --- Original message by Adrian Wilson on Mar 16, 2006 07:35 PM

    awww poor you...you were in the minority. ;-;

    i'm a young asian skater though...so how does that work out? am i part of the majority AND minority? icon_smile_dissapprove.gificon_smile_sad.gif

  2. i saw quite a few kids walkin out with a deck...including chicks. O.o

    ...them decks(the supreme decks) were real lame anyway.

    all imma say ask you is this...when season tickets for baseball start goin on sale, you think all those people play baseball? you think all them little kids waitin for wrestlemania tickets wrestle??

    okay, maybe you got me on the wrestling thing.

  3. ^ it's easy to degrade a minority...people with no power, voice...

    i mean i get WHY people wanna do it but it's still real lame.

    the funniest thing is that 99% of these dudes talk about it on the boards but i don't see anythin bein done/said on the lines. ::shrug::

  4. the elitist attitude some of ya'll have is hilarious...so a skater must have a certain "look" now?

    why in the hell is height even being brought up? fyi: i was taller than most of the dudes on the line(yes, including the non asians) and i'm asian. i know...crazy right?

    it's really not too suprising why so many asian kids are into this sh*t here in the states. look at how popular the stuff is out in asia...brands like stussy and supreme made their name in japan, cmon now..

  5. Quote:

    DCTMFC does have a point though.

    He's saying the kids in that movie would never pay big money for Supreme clothes.

    They would steal it or get it for free.

    I'd say a grown up version of Casper, Telly, etc. is the Irak crew.

    --- Original message by eastcoastrider27 on Feb 8, 2006 05:09 PM

    speaking of casper...

    that dude is doin big things...law and order...O.O

  6. hey waddya know superfuture is famous...it's on slamhype now! ...

    feelin a couple of the shirts there...wonderin what the bookbag and other pieces aside from shirts will look like.

    dipset rockin box tees is almost as crazy as wu tang doin it.

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