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Meth Huffer

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Posts posted by Meth Huffer

  1. Coil?

    Coil is fucking GOD. i would inject Unnatural History Vol. 1 intravenously if i could install a fiber optic digital toslink input into my arm.

    apocolyptic nihilism? Sunn((o)) and Khanate for that slow, painful doom metal where every song has to brutally drone on at subsonic-bowel-agitating-brown-noise-frequencies for at least 20 min.

    can anyone stand Merzbow? its like the audio version of taking 14 hits of LSD at once. it's reverse zen meditation and i find it actually very therapeudic at times. there is one incredible merzbow-related compilation i forgot what its called but it had an amazing roster of artists from Pan*sonic to Autechre.

    brian eno - shutov assembly and apollo is a must

    def Throbbing Gristle, Killing Joke and some Swans.

    speaking of acid, Aphex twin (ambient works, even some early afx/analog bubblebath series). Autechre (chiastic slide, anvil vapre). Squarepusher (Big loada, feed me wierd things), Plaid, Kinesthesia, and the rest of those wacky Warp/Rephlex IDM people. if you like that schizophrenic LSD glitchy shit theres a guy on myspace by the name of Terminal11 that does some incredible computerfucking.

    to make your blood even saltier dont forget about these classics:

    Slayer - reign in blood, Sepultura - arise.

    and other such 80s thrash metal... Annihilator, Nuclear Assault, Kreator, and a lot of bands with the word ANGEL in it? i dont give a fuck, i like it all, thanks.

    plus of course the usual suspects... late 70s-early 80s punk, post-punk. Siouxsie - the scream is truly a brilliant record, right up there with unknown pleasures and the substance compilation.

    hey i really like Death from Above1979 for some reason.

    any post-punk new wave kids like Tones on Tail anymore?


    Edited by Meth Huffer on Mar 13, 2006 at 06:07 AM

  2. I washed my APC NS in ultra hot water (hot enough i had to use a hanger to submerge the jeans, not bare hands).

    the result was slight shrinkage (I think cause APCs just dont shrink much no matter what) but heavy dye loss and a lot more contrast then i expected. you can see the pics I just put em in the BEFORE/AFTER thread.

  3. re: 2006 LVC 47-501's

    i bought mine marked 36 x 34 (dry, unwashed measurements were exactly that). after a full soak and completely dried, the final measurements came out to almost exactly 34 x 31 if not a little smaller.

    the only complaint i have is that the cut is way baggier then i expected from a 47. even after the shrinking, they fit like an APC rescue.

    Edited by Meth Huffer on Feb 17, 2006 at 08:20 AM

  4. Quote:

    I'm thinking about picking up a pair of the overdyed black new standards or narrows soon (going to the NYC store to check the fits out)... Anyone know how these fade?

    I'm hoping since they're overdyed the blue will start to show through the black with wear...

    --- Original message by gomi no sensei on Feb 15, 2006 11:48 PM

    they are bleached before the dyeing process so they wont fade blue.

    i especially like the black on black selvedge line with a single dark red stitch on each side. looks dope

  5. i ordered the 2006 47501s

    the cut is almost exactly the same as my 55501 from a few years back. these are by the looks of it, in no way a "slim-fitting" jean. quite baggy actually, similar to my APC Rescue.

    i've never owned a 47 before and was under the impression it was a fairly narrow jean.

    currently cold-soaking them as i type this. i will update after its done.

    i wear a 34x32 normally so i ordered these in 36x34.

    here are the measurements UNWASHED:

    waist: 36.25"

    inseam: 33.5"


    after the cold soak:

    1. they measure almost exactly 34" x 32"

    2. They fit slightly slimmer then before, but i still do not consider this a slim-fitting jean at all. they fit pretty normal now, and i have the feeling they will return to "baggy jean" within a week.

    3. my palms are completely blue typing this

    Edited by Meth Huffer on Feb 14, 2006 at 09:45 PM

  6. in my honest opinion, anything BDU related must go with Propper. their ripstop material is on point.

    Rothco has more color combos if thats what you're looking for (they have that wierd half-camo pocket thing, which i personally dont like) but anyway. if you want some real legit-looking inexpensive milspec shit, just get propper.

    bdu.com has the new army ACU pants in the universal camo. i really dig the styling on the pockets (as well as the ACU coat), just hoping it comes out in black or other colors soon.

  7. www.alstyle.com

    they wont physically make the actual shirt tags for you, but if you get em made they can sew em into the shirts before they are assembled (doesnt have that pulled off, re-stitched look in the back of the collar). AAA is the best IMO as far as cut and quality goes for standard printed shirts.

    you need a federal tax ID and all that good stuff to order wholesale direct from them however. and of course there are minimums you need to order.

  8. They are really nice. i have a pair of the black suede. i really like how the stitching looks on the side.

    this is a "new" design kinda based on the old Chukka (not a reissue). i think its supposed to be a casual "surfer" shoe (the vans logo on the box is a surfboard instead of the trademark skateboard).

    these are actually very comfortable. the outsole seems to be brand new. its a molded EVA cupsole as opposed to the traditional "off-the-wall" Vulcanized rubber sole X foxing tape. These dont have any foxing tape, just molded to look that way (that material is made of EVA foam like an Air Max 87). the insole has a rounded heel cup which makes the shoe very wearable.

    the rubber gum outsole looks like its been reinforced with some type of fiber grid. kinda strange but dope shoe overall. cant wait for more colors

    Edited by Meth Huffer on Feb 8, 2006 at 05:39 PM

  9. There is really no significant difference in quality between Alpha, Propper, or Rothco jackets (i think all 3 are used by the US military). I just hope you didnt pay more then $50 for the M65, as i've noticed some surplus stores generally charge a little more for Alpha due to the slight name hype factor. if one is any better then the other, its not going to be enough to care about the difference.

    You can get Propper direct from the manufacturer for $50. I own both, paid $75 for the Alpha and actually prefer the Propper one because its essensially the same thing but cheaper (you only lose cool-guy points by not being able to say "its the same shit supreme and stussy use" if that matters).

    if you paid more then that just get a refund from the store (it was their fuck-up anyway) and buy the Propper direct from bdu.com.

  10. ^^^ i wouldnt worry. that sz 26 will definitely stretch to at least a size 30 if not more.

    i have New Standards marked size 32 which now have a measured waist size of about 37 1/2" and they are now nowhere to be conidered a "tight fitting" jean. they were fucking ridiculously tight when i first got them and stretched out considerably within 2 days. i've never seen denim that stretches this much before but at least now the fit is perfect.

    Edited by Meth Huffer on Feb 3, 2006 at 12:16 AM

  11. Quote:

    I want these, where can I get them?


    --- Original message by meditation on Feb 1, 2006 09:45 PM

    they had every color of those marc jacobs safari trainers (both hitop and lowtop) on bluefly.com for the longest time for about $100-150.
  12. Quote:

    haha, i remember reading a story about how new balance sued one of their former chinese contractors. apparently, after NB nulled their business relationship the factory continued to produce NBs for their own distro and sales. it may be cheap to manufacture there but there are NO rules in china! scary thought.

    --- Original message by sr20det on Jan 17, 2006 09:29 AM

    Yeah thats one of the practices that is very worrying. The factory fills the order and then keeps on producing goods to sold illegally. So they are real, but not? Do they notch down the quality after the actual order?

    --- Original message by andewhall on Jan 17, 2006 03:30 PM

    thats actually the true definition of the term Factory Variant (this word is not synonymous with "Fake"). it's illegally made product outside of the initial production run. they are made in the real factories using real parts etc but they bypass any sort of quality control and dont always follow 100% true to the original design or cut&sew. so yeah, the quality on factory variants are notched down and sold into the black market.
  13. Quote:

    This morning I saw a pair of $200 Ice Creams.

    They are made in China.

    $200. Made in China. You know what, FUCK CHINA.

    I'm so sick of buying expensive shit made in China. China is the antithesis of quality. They can make my shitty DVD player but I'll be damned if I buy another pair of bullshit "cool guy" sneakers made in China, and that includes Nikes.

    My question: Are there any brands that specifically DON'T make their shit in China? I feel like even the designer shit is leaving Italy more and more. I don't care how expensive. I just need sneakers that aren't made in a factory by people paid as much in a year as I make in a day.

    --- Original message by RedFoxxworth on Jan 16, 2006 12:55 PM

    the problem isnt Made In China.

    the problem is you looking at a pair of Ice Creams... and giving a shit (no offence thats not an attack on you... just a general statement).

    its a dead horse beaten to raw burger but:

    just because it says Made In Italy doesnt really mean its of good quality.

    just because it says Made In China doesnt mean its of poor quality.

    just because your favorite denim jeans says Made In Japan...... doesnt always mean the denim fabric is actually japanese denim. the fabric could very likely have been made in china or hong kong.

    bottom line, doesnt matter where the fuck its made. only matters if its good or not. and if you cant tell with your own eyes whether a product is of good quality without judging based on the country of manufacture.... well then, you really shouldnt be complaining.

    Edited by Meth Huffer on Jan 16, 2006 at 03:33 PM

  14. the true meaning of DEADSTOCK is exactly how it sounds... stock which is dead. as in, no longer in active production.

    "Damn, i'm sitting on a lot of deadstock" (and yeah it happens to be all unworn as well)

    ebay auctions, and the term as used by "sneaker enthusiasts" have really bastardized the meaning of that word.

    i think the term originallly came into popular vocabulary from sellers of vintage clothing trying to differentiate between 2 kinds of "new"

    one kind of NEW - meaning something brand new that just came in and unowrn.

    another kind of "new" meaning something old but still new and unworn.

    the latter became known as "deadstock" to avoid confusion since its older stock no longer in production, but still new unworn condition.

    using the phrase deadstock to describe something that just came out (and still in production) is actually incorrect.

    Edited by Meth Huffer on Jan 13, 2006 at 01:37 PM

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