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Posts posted by rabbitpunch

  1. It's a fallacy that "cheap chinese imports" are necessarily bad, crappy shoes that will deform your feet. I'm sick of all the China-bashing that goes on in this forum. Makes you guys sound like ignorant, elitist fucks. China is a fucking international player. Almost every type of good is made there, in massive quantities, across the whole range of "quality".

    Practically every pair of running shoes, SB, f'n lifestyle retro shoes, whatever, are made in 2nd / 3rd world countries. What makes you think that Chinese made shoes are shoddier than those made in Vietnam, Indonesia, or Romania? The fact that some art fag in Beaver Oregon signed off on the colorways? Slagging on ALL the goods made in the biggest, fastest growing country in the world doesn't make you look like an moron, does it?

    Face the facts: almost everything you can buy in almost every retail outlet has been manufactured, at every step of the way, by undereducated, exploited workers in shitty conditions. You think Prada cobblers are lounging around their Sienna villas sipping Limoncello?

    Slave labour, baby.

    I'm not saying everbody should run around in tire sandals eating windfallen fruit. Just that most underground brands aren't saving anybody's soul. Support the locality, and take a fucking walk once in a while.

    Edited by rabbitpunch on Jul 28, 2005 at 06:55 AM

  2. I'm not so sure that the quality of standard Evisu (2001) has fallen. I think average cats are turned off by the crazier joints they've been putting out (Massive gulls, leather gulls, cigarette pants, twisted seams, 68 pockets, fucking gulls all over the place). The classics remain classic, but for some, may be tainted by the obnoxious new bling.

  3. Visvim... I dunno... waay too overdesigned and faggy for me. What's up with the moccasins with the f'n beads and removable fringe. if ever there was a mock-worthy shoe, it's that. $300 my ass.

  4. Those jeans are at the top of my list. The jacket looks to be very sweet as well, though I'm holding out for an Atelier la Durance.

    Good luck in this endeavour. Will you have an online store, or is the site just for info? Anyway, if you have the time and budget, post measurements, decent pics of all the important details, and maybe some pics of people wearing the goods. For me, the fit and finish is much more important than the brand name, so good information is critical.

  5. The tidal waves graphic is reeeal nice, but a little too flash for the back pockets. ASK ME ABOUT MY JEANS! Would be better in a subtler color, and definitely as an element of a button-down shirt.

    How's the quality of the denim itself?

  6. Maybe I'm coming off as a pussy, but perhaps you shouldn't be fucking with Drano. That shit's bad for the soul.

    I remember this kid in highschool who was wearing a striped Polo that had probably been left balled up in the sun, with fades in the creases. We mocked him, but what the hell did I know then?

  7. pxl: love the website and the gear. That wacky cold-war motherland redux is just so, so fresh. Nice to see a women's line with a cockeyed take on historical fact, rather than the same old luxe lifestyle / faux white trash / Amerikan Klassic / dumb blonde garbage. Here's to your success.

    My two cents for starting a clothing line:

    -Network, baby. Find people who know their stuff (i.e. patternmakers, printers, HTML / Flash geeks, etc.) and learn from them. Easier said than done, but you're gonna need a lot of skill to start and maintain a clothing line. Treat these people well, but do your best not to get skrewed.

    -Guerrilla marketing - posters, stickers, stencils, flyers, parties, endorsement by minor local celebrities, etc. You can't afford print space, but then again, you can't afford not to be noticed. What to do?

    -know your local retail environment. Check out as many places as you can, don't get obsessed about getting your shit into the "coolest" stores, take note of the clientele. Seek places where people you want to buy your shit are likely to shop, stores that will give you decent product placement.

    -Cross-promotion. Make t-shirts for a dope little bar or restaurant. For an angry young band. Work the angles. If your shit is good enough, they'll be happy to work with you.

  8. They're done for. Give them to Goodwill and buy another pair.

    And this time around, please take care of them. Don't get them wet, stained, sweaty, or unduly stretched. EVER. Spray them with Nudie starch before each wearing, then do some GENTLE Pilates or Jazzercise to set the creases. Sand lightly with a fine-grit Kyushu river stone in desired wear areas. Clean with an ostrich feather duster after each day of wear, and vacuum weekly, taking care to place a piece of clean cheesecloth between the jeans and the vacuum nozzle to prevent unwanted abrasion. Store in a dark, well-ventilated cabinet away from perishable foodstuffs between 20-25C.

  9. Quote: just wondering, what if you roll up your jeans very sloppily and wear them inside high boots, will you get cool fading all around the calf area?


    Are you really gonna wear your jeans inside your boots? Only Napoleon Dynamite and reaally hot chicks can get away with that shit.

    In that vein, I roll up my jeans when I bike, which is almost every day. You get tight lines from the calf down to the hem, not really like honeycombs, but closer together and more subtle. If you get caught in a downpour like that, then nice creasing and fading is the upside.

    BTW, dope jeans, Serge. Did you scrub them much on the underside, or just let the hot water and detergent do most of the work?

  10. Does anyone else find it weird that so many Japanese brands are basically making straight up 501 repros and nothing else? Check out rakuten - almost every pair is a spitting image, down to the red tab and diagonal stitch line at the top button.

    I know none of this is new, but I think it's a little... overwrought. Repros are fine, the denim and finishing on jeans like Eternal, Samurai, Yen, and Denime are wicked, but what about innovation and creativity? Is the end of the 501 repro in sight?

  11. First off, those jeans are just brutal. No offense to Evisu fans, but the bigger the Daicock, the bigger the mistake.

    Secondly, what is with all these asses trying to use Ebay like a high end retail shop. $599 to Buy It Now? Sell your shit right, low opening, low reserve, and it will fetch a fair price. Democracy in action... well, sort of.

    Thirdly, it is not true that almost every pair of jeans is around $300USD. Depends what you're looking for. $300 is a pair each of APC and Edwin Rainbow. It's like half a pair of Samurai. Or 6 pairs of Uniqlo. But if you're going for bling, $300 might not even be a starting point.

  12. Have a custom paint shop airspray a caricature of Nigo across the hood of your Lambo.

    Or how bout a full chest tattoo of Cornelius spraying with a Tek9 and some drippy Olde English letters. That''d be off da hizzook.

  13. Why? Cuz Evisu isn't as hottt now as it was when he bought them. Still pretty high quality jeans, though, and a shame for them to sit in a drawer because of the detailing.

    I picked out my stitched gulls with a seam ripper. That was a helluva job, but worth it, I think, cuz I hate obvious branding.

    As for the paint, I guess you could always stitch fabric over the pockets. That way, you could always go back in case you reconsider the gulls.

  14. I second the Atelier LaDurance. Brillliant, innovative jeans that have great details but aren't over-engineered like Maharishi, fiberops, tsubi (hate those) etc. Classy jeans.

    Not so sure about the Buddy Lees on Triads. The washes may be just a little too distressed and kinda unnatural, trying a little too hard to cash in on the vintage Rider market. Intriguing, but not for 190 Pounds.

    The denim on those Samurai, Farmers, and Burgus looks awesome, but the prices are just brutal. Will your market (DC?) support that? Also, I think it's time to give the homages to 501s a rest.

    Edited by rabbitpunch on Jul 1, 2005 at 09:08 PM

    Edited by rabbitpunch on Jul 1, 2005 at 09:12 PM

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