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Posts posted by KING CHOCOLATE

  1. I've requested this before and just made a post in another thread about this, but decided to actually see if I can get anywhere this time.

    As much as I'm interested in all the denim discussion, I think the original spirit of Supertalk as a "Global Shopping Expert" board is but a distant memory. Correct me if I'm wrong, but style and fashion goes beyond APCs and bathtub-shrunken levi's. So how come that's all that people not only discuss on ST, but come to expect from this messageboard? (other messageboard posters refer to Supertalk as the Denim boards)

    Because of the influx of denim-ness, it's hard to find any non-denim related topics amidst all the selvedge and enzyme-wash, so..

    Please sign the petition if you'd like to see more forum divisions based on DENIM, SNEAKERS, HIGH-END, DESIGNERS, STREET WEAR, and whatever else. Just to help with navigation and draw back more of a diverse audience. Perhaps in the process we can win back some of the original ST regulars who've been alienated by all the denim talk.


    Edited by KING CHOCOLATE on Nov 30, 2005 at 03:15 AM

  2. The absolutely hilarious part about A Silent Flute's post is that it's by:...............


    And this guy came out AFTER hype-beast and slamm. he talks about getting off the internet and actuall participating in what makes streetwear cool, but then he constantly makes use of such words like "streetwear" and sits on the computer all day long updating his own blog. this guy seems to know more about niketalk and checks superfuture's fashion pages long enough to know who is wearing what!

    anyone sense the irony of it all??? or is "irony" not the right word to use here?



  3. So I got these Nudie jeans and they were processed with enzymes and I haven't washed them for 14 years but I went in the rain and are they ruined? and they are just the right cut and not flared at the bottom, and with rivets in the right places but they go so well with my other APC jeans that I wear right on top of them and then I stuff my face into an Edwin denim mask like the one that Scarecrow wears in Batman begins but mine is made of selvedge denim and its top quality and the wash is so great and I just love APC but Nudie is so popular right now and Diesel sucks but APC rules and sometimes I punch myself in the nuts just to check if I still have physical sensation since I haven't eaten anything in 3 weeks, because all I do is have erotic sexual fantasies about having sex with an Evisu sewing machine and post on Supertalk about it. Err I mean Denimtalk.

    <center>SHUT UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </center>


  4. Quote: dude, there have been like 3 threads on this over the past couple of weeks.

    whats funny and ironic about that statement, and your annoyance, is that there have been 3 threads every HOUR on denim/apc/selvedge/nudie/blahblahblah.

    dead the denimtalk already. damn


  5. Are you and Hifashion going to tongue each other now?

    One thing's for sure. Judging by the sheer number of people you have pissed off on this website, and the thousands of others who are watching you make a complete FOOL out of yourself, the name "RECKON" will forever leave a sour taste in people's mouths. You keep blabbing about how your line isn't for everyone. Well that's good. Hopefully you can keep it so tight-niche that only you and your fat mom will wear your shirts to the ho'down.

    You know those reality shows where there's 1 guy/girl that the entire house turns against? For some reason, that 1 guy just doesn't get it, keeps making an idiot out of himself, and can't see beyond his own pride and arrogance? You kinda feel sorry for that guy - as fun as it is to make fun of him, he'll just never gets it, and ends up just digging his hole deeper and deeper. He ends up being his own worst enemy because he just has no perspective of himself. Eventually, that person gets kicked off the show, and everything goes back to normal. They turn up somewhere on some has-been reality/makeover spinoff, and his last 3 minutes of fame are spent just being completely torn apart in the media.

    Yeah,... I guess there are people like that in real-life also.

    I can't wait for Reckon to come stomping back through here again "Well you obviously don't get it you imbecile! I'm not making t-shirts for you! You don't understand me! I AM CHRIS WEIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  6. Hifashion--

    That's not what this is about.

    We're not obligated to say nice things to everyone and lie to their faces if we don't like something. Most of the people in here just don't like his stuff and said so. Instead of taking it like a man, or actually taking the criticism constructively, Chris Weige got all self-righteous, calling everyone imbeciles, and stomping around here like he was God's Gift to T-Shirts.

    No one said they were on top of the world when it comes to fashion, but everyone on here is entitled to express their opinion as to Chris Weige's t-shirts. Can you respect a person for doing their thang?


  7. Like I said. i tried to email you. .TWICE. in fact. I even tried chris@... and my messages got returned.

    Im sorry you feel like I disrespected you, but just not cool to barge in here and do that to every thread. Its EXTREMELY ANNOYING, and the only person that gets anything out of it is YOU. So if you're trying to build relationships with customers, you might want to consider them and RESPECT them FIRST, before you try to sell them on something. Otherwise, we all start feeling a little "used." And that's not very nice, is it?


  8. I tried to email you through your site but it didnt work.

    1) If this is your first time on the board, dont disrespect everyone by coming in outta nowhere and trying to advertise your brand, trying to make a buck off of the people who contribute to this community everyday.

    2) I don't know if you've ever had any messageboard experience, but does it seem very nice to go into every single thread and advertise your t-shirts when it has nothing to do with the thread topic? Do you see anyone else doing that? Ever?

    3) Since you're new to the board, I should also let you know that 99% of the people on here own their own clothing line, work for one, or have extremely sophisticated taste. So know your audience.

    4) Just be a little tactful next time. .


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