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Posts posted by mikaschwa

  1. www.zappos.com actually does not have this limited collection. I checked it out and they only have the regular metro bag - not the black box (not sure why they listed as black box). The one they have is nylon/polyester, not leather and jono wood didn't do the lining. the girls at sugarhead did say that they thought they were the only ones with the japan release ones only. Thanks though.

  2. thanks jujubee. i went and checked it out. turntable lab are out of the ipod cases. i went to sugarhead and got the metro backpack - it's awesome. i've seen the bag before but not in leather and with the jono wood lining. thanks for the heads up. I haven't even been able to find it online. peace.

  3. yeah - it was chris rubino. he put that shit up there in September before they opened - heard it took almost a week just to get it done since they were doing construction at the same time. it's pretty awesome - worth a trip over there. plus the merch there is dope.

  4. sugarhead quarters is at 174 rivington, near alife. they have name value, bronx illustrated, sin house, 10 deep, and a few more i can't remember. brands that you can't really find anywhere else. you should check it out if you in that neighborhood.

  5. My Pal the Crook, I definitely agree with you. Boxfresh is really killing themselves here by the way 555 Soul is distributing them. They have told certain stores that carry them that they will be listed on the boxfresh website for months now. i think they don't want to list any of the stores because then, all the shops will see that they are everywhere - very non-discriminatory about where they sell. I think Boxfresh could have done really well in the states if they were more selective about the shops and put more of their marketing $$ to help the boutiques that do carry them because they really like the design. I think this is the same thing that happened a few years ago when they first tried to enter the US market. In this trade, it'll be hard for them to try to come back for a third strike- their lucky they've had a second.

  6. SugarHead Quarters in New York carries some daggers drawn accessories. they may be getting more stuff. check their website or try to find their number and give them a call. i think they may start carrying select xlarge stuff soon too.

  7. wow - that's a big question to ask.

    for sneakers- Nort or Alife - good selection

    for clothes and everything else - Sugarhead quarters - cool new shop

    for books - the new york public library (hey just remeber to return the books)

    for dog goods - Scout - so cute, can't walk out without spending a wad on the family dog

  8. interesting brand. looks like it's designed well. the one thing is, some of the shots makes it look very american apparel. nonetheless, definitely worth looking into more. thanks!

  9. has anyone noticed the recent boom of shops in new york's les? all of a sudden rivington is becoming the new shopping strip to find cool ass shit you can't get anywhere else. i just found this store called sugarhead quarters. it is pretty amazing inside. very japanese in design. they carry brands that i haven't heard of but really liked. i think it's mostly menswear but they did have a small selection for girls. i noticed that it wasn't on the superfuture map yet. anyway, take a stroll down rivington heading east (towards the east river) and check out all the new things happening. i think sugarhead is at 174 rivington. let me know what you guys think of this place.

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